

There are currently 68 articles in this topic.

Camel Population by CountryInformation on camel population by country, which countries have camels, countries with the most camels, and camel population in every country of the world.
Carbon Footprint by CountryComprehensive overview of carbon footprint by country, showcasing which nations have the highest emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide.
Carbon-Negative CountriesList of carbon-negative countries, as well as a list of carbon-neutral countries, accompanied by definition of the terms and analysis of how countries achieve their carbon goals.
Cleanest Countries in the WorldList of cleanest countries in the world considering factors such as environmental sustainability, pollution levels, waste management, and overall environmental quality, highlighting the top cleanest countries with a brief description.
Coal Consumption by CountryData and analysis on the countries with the highest and lowest total coal usage, usage per capita, production, and reserves in the world.
Countries with Coral ReefsList of countries that have coral reefs, including countries with the biggest coral reefs and locations of coral reefs around the world.
Countries with ElephantsList of countries with elephants and information about which countries have elephants, countries where elephants live, and which countries have the most elephants.
Countries with RainforestsList of countries with rainforests, including countries with the biggest rainforests, countries touched by the Amazon, and rainforest countries.
Countries with Water ScarcityList of countries where water is scarce, including countries with water scarcity and countries with too little water.
Countries without MosquitoesList of countries with no mosquitoes, including countries that do not have mosquitoes and countries without mosquitoes.
CO₂ Emissions by CountryData and information on CO2 emissions by country, including the countries with the highest CO2 emissions in the world and countries with the highest CO2 emissions per capita in the world.
Deforestation Rates by CountryData on the rate of deforestation in various countries of the world. Includes list of countries with the most deforestation, countries where deforestation is the worst, and percentage of forest lost per country.
Ecological Footprint by CountryComprehensive overview of ecological footprint by country, including an answer to which country has the largest ecological footprint as well as the smallest.
Elephant Population by CountryData about the elephant population by country, including which country has the most elephants, which continent has the most elephants, and elephant populations on Earth.
Energy Consumption by CountryEnergy consumption data and information for the world's countries, including electricity consumption by country, oil consumption by country, and per-country consumption of coal, nuclear, hydroelectric, and renewable energy sources.
Environmental Performance Index by CountryDetailed data on the Environmental Performance Index known as EPI, providing insights into the environmental performance of various countries.
EV Sales by CountrySales of electric vehicles (EVs) per country, including EV sales by country, which country has the highest EV sales, and which company has sold the most EVs.
First Country to Discover Water on the MoonInformation on countries that have claimed to discover water on the moon, including the first countries to discover water on the moon, and countries that thought there was water on the moon.
Forest Cover by CountryData on forest cover by country, including countries with the most forest area and country with the least forest coverage.
Fresh water by CountryData on the amount of total fresh water per country and fresh water per capita per country, which countries have the most fresh water, and which countries have the least amount of fresh water.
Greenest Countries / Most Eco-Friendly CountriesA list of the world's greenest and most Earth-friendly countries as measured by Environmental Performance Index, an aggregated metric specifically designed to measure environmental conversation factors.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions by CountryData and details about the total and per-capita greenhouse gas emissions of 190+ countries, including which countries emit the most and least greenhouse gases.
Hottest Countries in the WorldA brief overview of the hottest countries in the world, featuring average yearly temperatures in both Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F)
Hummingbird Population by CountryData on hummingbird populations by country, including the number of hummingbird species and the total population count, highlighting the countries with the largest hummingbird populations.
Jaguar Population by CountryInformation on Jaguar population by country, offering interesting information about this magnificent animal.
Koala Population by CountryBrief overview of the Koala population by country one of the most beloved animals around the world.
Komodo Dragon Population by CountryA brief overview of the Komodo Dragon also known as Komodo monitor population by country, including their habitat size.
Lion Population by CountryDetailed data on the Lion population by country, offering insights into the distribution of these majestic big cats across different nations.
Manatee Population by CountryComprehensive overview of manatee population by country around the world including the trend of manatee populations in each nation.
Methane Emissions by CountryData and statistics regarding methane emissions in various countries, including the world's biggest methane emitters (countries that emit the most methane). Methane is a leading greenhouse gas.
Most Biodiverse CountryStatistics on the most biodiverse countries in the world—including the single most biodiverse country in the world—including plants, birds, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and fish.
Most Environmentally Friendly CountriesDetails on which countries are the most environmentally friendly countries in the world according to the Environmental Protection Index (EPI). Also outlines the least environmentally friendly countries in the world.
Most Polluted CountriesComprehensive overview of the most polluted countries worldwide, highlighting country-by-country profiles of the nations with the worst air pollution in the world including detailed information on pollution levels throughout the years.
Natural Disaster Risk by CountryComprehensive overview of natural disaster risk by country around the world, offering insights into which nations face the highest probability of experiencing such events with lower scores indicating lower risk.
Natural Disasters by CountryDetailed data on natural disasters by country, ranking countries based on their frequency or severity of natural disasters by World Risk Index including details of natural hazards and volcanism activities.
Oil Consumption by CountryComprehensive overview of oil consumption by country through the years, including which country consumes the most oil in the world.
Oil Consumption by Country
Otter Population by CountryBrief overview of the otter population by country, detailing native otter species and any extricated ones.
Panda Population by CountryData on panda populations by country, including the number of both Giant Pandas and Red Pandas.
Panther Population by CountryComprehensive overview of Panther population by country including data for Lions, Tigers, Leopards, and Jaguars providing insight into the distribution and abundance of these big cats across different nations.
Paris Climate Agreement CountriesList of Paris Climate Agreement countries with the date the agreement was signed and the date confirmation was submitted.
Pesticide Usage by CountryStatistics on pesticide use per country throughout the world, including countries with the highest pesticide usage and concerns about excess pesticide usage.
Piranha Population by CountryBrief overview of the Piranha population by country highlighting the species present and their natural habitats for each nation.
Plastic Pollution by CountryDetailed data on plastic pollution by country, including statistics such as MWI, MWI status, plastic waste, mismanaged waste, and many more details on this topic.
Platypus Population by CountryBrief overview of Platypus population by country offering insights into the distribution of this unique mammal with an estimate of the population.
Poaching by CountryComprehensive overview of poaching by country, providing insights into the illegal hunting and capturing of wildlife across different nations.
Polar Bear Population by CountryBrief overview of the Polar Bear population by country, providing insights into the distribution of these iconic Arctic mammals across different nations.
Pollution by CountryComprehensive data on pollution by country, showcasing various statistics and analyses to illustrate each country's environmental impact.
Protected Land by CountryBrief overview of protected land by country, highlighting percentages of protected land within each nation throughout the years.
Raccoon Population by CountryDetailed data on the Raccoon population by country, offering insights into the distribution of raccoons across different nations throughout the years.
Rainforest CountriesList and details of countries with rainforests, including Brazil, DR Congo, and India.
Recycling Rates by CountryDetails on the rate of recycling in various countries, including the country with the highest recycling rate in the world and the rates of recycling in the United States and select Asian countries.
Red Panda Population by CountryBrief overview of the Red Panda population by country, including total numbers of these adorable animals and estimated habitats across different nations.
Reindeer Population by CountryData on reindeer, also known as caribou, population by country, highlighting examples of their habitats across different nations.
Renewable Energy by CountryComprehensive data on renewable energy by country, providing insights into global efforts toward sustainable energy and highlighting leading nations in using the largest percentage of renewable energy.
Resource Consumption by CountryData comparing each country's per-capita consumption of oil and electricity.
Safe Drinking Water by CountryData on the level of contaminants in drinking water around the globe. Includes information on which countries have the safest drinking water and which countries have the least access to clean drinking water.
Shark Population by CountryDetailed data on shark population by country, providing interesting details for these apex predators, and their distribution across various nations.
Snake Population by CountryData on the snake population by country, detailing the number of snake species, along with the overall count of reptile species present in each nation.
Snow Leopard Population by CountryBrief overview of snow leopard population by country, offering insights into the distribution and conservation status of these elusive big cats across different nations.
Solar Power by CountryData and analysis including a list of solar power in every country in the world, countries with the most solar power, and countries that generate the highest percentage of their electricity from solar power.
Tiger Countries / Countries in Which Tigers LiveDetails on countries in which tigers still live in the wild, including countries attempting to increase their populations of wild tigers.
Trees by CountryBrief overview of trees by country highlights each nation's total number of trees.
Water Quality by CountryData on water quality in all the world's countries, including countries with the highest water quality (safest drinking water) and countries with the worst water quality.
Water Stress by CountryDetails on which countries are suffering the greatest amount of water stress and have the least amount of accessible fresh water.
What Countries Have Tornadoes?Comprehensive list of countries that have tornadoes, including countries that have the most tornadoes, which country has the most tornadoes overall, and which country has the most tornadoes by area.
Wind Power by CountryData and analysis covering each country's ability to generate electricity using the wind, such as via turbines or windmills. Also includes information on each country's actual yearly production of wind-generated electricity, as well as the amount of electricy generated in offshore wind farms as compared on onshore farms.
Wolf Population by CountryComprehensive overview of the wolf population by country, detailing the total number of these amazing animals and providing additional details if the number can be different.
showing: 68 rows

Country Listing Articles: Environment