
Agriculture is the practice of cultivating crops and raising animals for food, fiber, and other products. This category includes metrics such as arable land, crop production, and livestock population, as well as factors like agricultural technology and policy.


There are currently 60 articles in this topic.

Agricultural Exports by CountryInformation on agricultural exports by country, and top agricultural commodities including top 10 exporters.
Almond Production by CountryList of countries of the world ranked by almond production, including which country in the world produces the most almonds and which almond-producing country produces fewer almonds than any other.
Apple Production by CountryFull details on the top apple-producing countries, the world's leading apple producing countries, and which countries produce the most apples in the world.
Arable Land by CountryData and information regarding the amount of arable land each country has, from the countries with the most arable land in the world to the countries with the least arable land in the world.
Avocado Production by CountryDetailed information on avocado production by country, including which country in the world grows the most avocados, where avocados usually grow, and how many tons of avocados the United States produces every year.
Banana Production by CountryDetails on banana production by country, including which country produces the most bananas and which countries are the top banana producers in the world.
Best Coffee CountriesData and analysis on the world's best coffee countries, including which countries make the best coffeee in the world, which countries grow the best coffee beans, and where to find the best coffee in the world.
Cashew Production by CountryData on cashew production by country, including which country grows the most cashews and cashew production around the world.
Cocoa Producing CountriesList of cocoa producing countries and their production levels over the years, including which country produces the most cocoa.
Coconut Production by CountryInformation regarding coconut production by country, such as which country grows the most coconuts, health benefits of coconut, and countries that produce a lot of coconuts.
Coffee Producing CountriesList of coffee producing countries by their production levels, providing data on the biggest coffee producing countries.
Cotton Production by CountryInformation on cotton production by country, providing data on the global production and the biggest cotton producer.
Date Production by CountryInformation on date production by country, including which country produces the most dates in the world and which countries grow lots of fresh dates.
Egg Consumption by CountryData on egg consumption by country, including which country eats the most eggs in the world and countries that eat the most eggs.
Eggplant Production by CountryEggplant production by country provides data on eggplant production worldwide, including its role in coking and various cousins.
Employment in Agriculture by CountryInformation on employment in agriculture by country, regarding the percentage of each country's workforce in agricultural activities.
Garlic Production by CountryData on the production of garlic per country, restated as garlic production by country, including the country that grows the most garlic and biggest garlic producing country in the world.
Guava Production by CountryData on the global production of guava, mangoes, and other mangosteen fruits into a single metric, showcasing which country produces the most guava.
Hazelnut Production by CountryData on the production of hazelnuts by country, including countries that produce the best hazelnuts, hazelnut production by country, and which countries grow the most hazelnuts.
Honey Production by CountryStatistics on honey production by country, including which country produces the most honey, countries that produce the most honey, and countries where honey is made.
Kiwi Production by CountryData on the production of kiwi by country, including the most recent information on production yield, yield per hectare, and harvested area.
Mango Production by CountryDetailed statisics on mango production in various countries, including the leading mango producer in the world, India, as well as several runners-up.
Maple Syrup Production by CountryData on the production of maple syrup in various countries, including the world's top maple-producing countries.
Milk Production by CountryData on milk production by country, including information on different types of milk produced in tons of raw milk.
Millet Production by CountryInformation on millet production by country throughout the years, including the top millet producing country.
Olive Oil Consumption by CountryStatistics on olive oil consumption by country, including five year compounded annual growth rate and year over year changes.
Olive Oil Production by CountryData regarding the production of olive oil in each of the world's countries, including the country that produces the most olive oil in the world.
Onion Production by CountryData on onion production by country through the years, including which country produces most onions.
Organic Farming by CountryStatistics on organic farming by country throughout the world, including data on organic agricultural land, organic share, and biodynamic farmland.
Papaya Production by CountryData on papaya production by country throughout the years, including the largest producer of papaya in the world.
Peanut Production by CountryData on peanut production by country, including the countries that grow the most peanuts in the world, total worldwide peanut production,
Pear Production by CountryData on pear production by country, including short descriptions of different types of pear.
Pesticide Usage by CountryStatistics on pesticide use per country throughout the world, including countries with the highest pesticide usage and concerns about excess pesticide usage.
Pineapple Production by CountryData on annual global pineapple production, including the top 10 pineapple producers in the world.
Pistachio Production by CountryData on global pistachio production, identifying the countries that grow the most pistachios in the world and exploring the three-way battle to become the world's leading pistachio-producing country.
Plum Production by CountryData on plum production by country, showcasing the leading plum producing nations with information on which country produces the most.
Pork Consumption by CountryStatistics on pork consumption by country, indicating the average kilogram per capita consumption and including which country eats the most pork.
Potato Consumption by CountryStatistics on potato consumption by country over the years, presenting both per capita consumption and total consumption data.
Potato Production by CountryData on global potato production, including which country grows the most potatoes in the world and which countries produce the most potatoes per capita.
Quinoa Production by CountryInsights on quinoa production by country, including which country produces the most quinoa.
Rice Consumption by CountryStatistics on rice consumption by country around the world, showcasing both per capita consumption and total rice consumption.
Rice Exports by CountryData on rice exports by country, including both the volume of exports and the overall trade value.
Rice Production by CountryStatistics on rice production by country, including production levels over the years as well as which country produces the most rice.
Rubber Production by CountryData on the production of rubber in various countries, including the country that makes more natural rubber than any other country in the world.
Saffron Exports by CountryData on the amount of saffron exported by various countries and total value in USD, including the country that produces the most saffron in the world.
Sheep Population by CountryInformation on the sheep population of various countries, including the country with the most sheep in the world and the U.S. states with the most sheep.
Soybean Production by CountryStatistics on the production of soybeans in various countries, including the top soybean-producing nations.
Strawberry Production by CountryDetailed data on strawberry production by country, including which country produces the most of this member of the rose family.
Sugar Producing CountriesOverview of sugar producing countries through the years with the top ten list of countries that produce the most sugar, including sugar-producing states in the U.S.
Tomato Production by CountryData on the agricultural production of tomatoes in various countries. Includes information on the countries that produce the most tomatoes in the world.
Vanilla Production by CountryInformation on vanilla production by country with an overview of the top five vanilla production nations.
Vegetable production by CountryDetailed data on vegetable production by country, including roots and tubers production, overall vegetable production, as well as production combined.
Walnut Production by CountryData on walnut production by country, including which country produces the most walnuts.
Watermelon Production by CountryOverview of global watermelon production by country, including which country produces the most watermelons.
Whaling CountriesDetailed data on whaling countries, including total whaling activity through the years as well as permit types.
Wheat Consumption by CountryComprehensive data on total wheat consumption by country, including average wheat consumption per capita.
Wheat Exports by CountryStatistic on wheat exports by country, including which country exports the most wheat.
Wheat Production by CountryDetailed information on wheat production by country throughout the years, including the top ten wheat producing nations and the leading producer.
Wine Producing CountriesData on the worldwide production and consumption of wine, highlighting the countries that produce the most wine in the world.
Wool Production by CountryOverview of global wool production by country, including which country produces the most wool.
showing: 60 rows

Country Listing Articles: Agriculture