Governors of Nebraska

Term Start
Term End
Pete RickettsJan 8, 2015Jan 8, 2023Republican
Jim PillenJan 8, 2015Jan 8, 2023Republican
Dave HeinemanJan 20, 2005Jan 8, 2015Republican
Mike JohannsJan 7, 1999Jan 20, 2005Republican
Ben NelsonJan 9, 1991Jan 7, 1999Democratic
Kay A. OrrJan 9, 1987Jan 9, 1991Republican
J. Robert KerreyJan 6, 1983Jan 9, 1987Democratic
Charles ThoneJan 4, 1979Jan 6, 1983Republican
J. James ExonJan 7, 1971Jan 4, 1979Democratic
Norbert TiemannJan 5, 1967Jan 7, 1971Republican
Frank B. MorrisonJan 5, 1961Jan 5, 1967Democratic
Dwight W. BurneySep 9, 1960Jan 5, 1961Republican
Ralph G. BrooksJan 8, 1959Sep 9, 1960Democratic
Victor E. AndersonJan 6, 1955Jan 8, 1959Republican
Robert B. CrosbyJan 8, 1953Jan 6, 1955Republican
Val PetersonJan 9, 1947Jan 8, 1953Republican
Dwight GriswoldJan 9, 1941Jan 9, 1947Republican
Robert Leroy CochranJan 3, 1935Jan 9, 1941Democratic
Charles W. BryanJan 8, 1931Jan 3, 1935Democratic
Arthur J. WeaverJan 3, 1929Jan 8, 1931Republican
Adam McMullenJan 8, 1925Jan 3, 1929Republican
Charles W. BryanJan 3, 1923Jan 8, 1925Democratic
Samuel R. McKelvieJan 9, 1919Jan 3, 1923Republican
Keith NevilleJan 4, 1917Jan 9, 1919Democratic
John H. MoreheadJan 9, 1913Jan 4, 1917Democratic
Chester H. AldrichJan 5, 1911Jan 9, 1913Republican
Ashton C. ShallenbergerJan 7, 1909Jan 5, 1911Democratic
George L. SheldonJan 3, 1907Jan 7, 1909Republican
John H. MickeyJan 8, 1903Jan 3, 1907Republican
Ezra P. SavageMay 1, 1901Jan 8, 1903Republican
Charles H. DietrichJan 3, 1901May 1, 1901Republican
William A. PoynterJan 5, 1899Jan 3, 1901Fusion (Democratic/Populist)
Silas A. HolcombJan 3, 1895Jan 5, 1899Fusion (Democratic/Populist)
Lorenzo CrounseJan 13, 1893Jan 3, 1895Republican
James E. BoydFeb 8, 1892Jan 13, 1893Democratic
John Milton ThayerJan 6, 1887Feb 8, 1892Republican
James W. DawesJan 4, 1883Jan 6, 1887Republican
Albinus NanceJan 9, 1879Jan 4, 1883Republican
Silas GarberJan 11, 1875Jan 9, 1879Republican
Robert Wilkinson FurnasJan 13, 1873Jan 11, 1875Republican
William H. JamesJun 2, 1871Jan 13, 1873Republican
David ButlerFeb 21, 1867Jun 2, 1871Republican
showing: 42 rows

Nebraska joined the United States in the middle of the 19th century, shortly after the conclusion of the Civil War. Since that time, Nebraska has had a total of 40 governors. The current governor is Jim Pillen. He is a member of the Republican Party, and he took over for fellow Republican Pete Ricketts. Nebraska has had several Republican Governors recently.

Who Was the Last Democratic Governor of Nebraska?

The last Democratic governor of Nebraska was Ben Nelson, who served two terms as governor of Nebraska from 1991 to 1999. After he left office, Mike Johanns took over as the governor of Nebraska, serving from 1999 to 2005. He resigned from his position, and Dave Heineman took over as the governor of Nebraska. He finished out the inclusion of Mike Johann’s final term and was then elected to the office of the governor twice, serving for a total of 10 years. When he left office, another Republican, Pete Ricketts, took over.

Who Was the First Governor of Nebraska?

The very first governor of Nebraska was David Butler. He was a member of the Republican party, and he served as the governor of Nebraska from 1867 to 1871. He was the first in a string of Republican governors from Nebraska, as the Republican Party held the office from 1867 to 1892. The first Democratic governor of Nebraska was James Boyd, but he was only in office for one year, serving from 1892 to 1893. After he left office, another Republican governor, Lorenzo Crounse, took over as the governor of Nebraska, serving from 1893 to 1895.

Current Governor
Jim Pillen
Governor Since
Jan 8, 2015
# of Governors Since Statehood

Which party is the current governor of Nebraska?

The current governor of Nebraska is Jim Pillen, a Republican.

How many governors has Nebraska had?

There have been 41 governors of Nebraska, 11 Democrats, 28 Republicans, and 2 from other parties.

When was the last Republican governor in Nebraska?

The last Republican governor in Nebraska is Jim Pillen, who has served from 2015 to the present day.

When was the last Democrat governor in Nebraska?

The last Democrat governor in Nebraska was Ben Nelson, who served from 1991 to 1999.

Frequently Asked Questions