Governors of South Dakota

Term Start
Term End
Kristi NoemJan 5, 2019-Republican
Dennis DaugaardJan 8, 2011Jan 5, 2019Republican
Mike RoundsJan 7, 2003Jan 8, 2011Republican
Bill JanklowJan 7, 1995Jan 7, 2003Republican
Walter Dale MillerApr 19, 1993Jan 7, 1995Republican
George S. MickelsonJan 6, 1987Apr 19, 1993Republican
Bill JanklowJan 1, 1979Jan 6, 1987Republican
Harvey L. WollmanJul 24, 1978Jan 1, 1979Democratic
Dick KneipJan 5, 1971Jul 24, 1978Democratic
Frank FarrarJan 7, 1969Jan 5, 1971Republican
Nils BoeJan 5, 1965Jan 7, 1969Republican
Archie M. GubbrudJan 3, 1961Jan 5, 1965Republican
Ralph HersethJan 6, 1959Jan 3, 1961Democratic
Joe FossJan 4, 1955Jan 6, 1959Republican
Sigurd AndersonJan 2, 1951Jan 4, 1955Republican
George T. MickelsonJan 7, 1947Jan 2, 1951Republican
Merrell Q. SharpeJan 5, 1943Jan 7, 1947Republican
Harlan J. BushfieldJan 3, 1939Jan 5, 1943Republican
Leslie JensenJan 5, 1937Jan 3, 1939Republican
Tom BerryJan 3, 1933Jan 5, 1937Democratic
Warren GreenJan 6, 1931Jan 3, 1933Republican
William J. BulowJan 4, 1927Jan 6, 1931Democratic
Carl GundersonJan 6, 1925Jan 4, 1927Republican
William H. McMasterJan 4, 1921Jan 6, 1925Republican
Peter NorbeckJan 2, 1917Jan 4, 1921Republican
Frank M. ByrneJan 7, 1913Jan 2, 1917Republican
Robert S. VesseyJan 5, 1909Jan 7, 1913Republican
Coe I. CrawfordJan 8, 1907Jan 5, 1909Republican
Samuel H. ElrodJan 3, 1905Jan 8, 1907Republican
Charles N. HerreidJan 8, 1901Jan 3, 1905Republican
Andrew E. LeeJan 1, 1897Jan 8, 1901Populist
Charles H. SheldonJan 3, 1893Jan 1, 1897Republican
Arthur C. MelletteMar 22, 1889Jan 3, 1893Republican
showing: 33 rows

Even though South Dakota is known for Mount Rushmore and its connection to Native American history, it is also one of the most important states in the union. Because of the position South Dakota occupies, many people are wondering who the governor of South Dakota is. Who is the current governor of South Dakota, and what are some of the most pressing issues that he or she has had to deal with?

Kristi Noem Is The Current Governor of South Dakota

The current governor of South Dakota is Kristi Noem. She is a member of the Republican party, and she has held the office for several years. Since she first took over, she has had to face a number of significant issues. One of the biggest problems facing South Dakota right now is the coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, South Dakota has been hit hard by the pandemic, and Kristi Noem has had to coordinate the state's response. At the same time, there are plenty of other issues that she is dealing with. Rising inflation and food prices have also hit the people of South Dakota very hard.

Who Was the First Governor of South Dakota?

There were several leaders of the South Dakota territory before it became a state. South Dakota was inducted into the United States at the end of the 19th century. The very first governor of South Dakota was Arthur C. Mellette. He served as the governor of South Dakota from 1889 to 1893. He passed away in 1896. South Dakota has had a total of 33 governors so far. The vast majority of South Dakota governors have been members of the Republican party, with only five governors coming from the Democratic Party. South Dakota has a rich history of strong governors, mostly coming from the Republican Party.

Current Governor
Kristi Noem
Governor Since
Jan 5, 2019
# of Governors Since Statehood

Which party is the current governor of South Dakota?

The current governor of South Dakota is Kristi Noem, a Republican.

How many governors has South Dakota had?

There have been 32 governors of South Dakota, 5 Democrats, 26 Republicans, and 1 from other parties.

When was the last Republican governor in South Dakota?

The last Republican governor in South Dakota is Kristi Noem, who has served from 2019 to the present day.

When was the last Democrat governor in South Dakota?

The last Democrat governor in South Dakota was Harvey L. Wollman, who served from 1978 to 1979.

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