Governors of Wisconsin

Term Start
Term End
Tony EversJan 7, 2019-Democratic
Scott WalkerJan 3, 2011Jan 7, 2019Republican
Jim DoyleJan 6, 2003Jan 3, 2011Democratic
Scott McCallumFeb 1, 2001Jan 6, 2003Republican
Tommy ThompsonJan 5, 1987Feb 1, 2001Republican
Tony EarlJan 3, 1983Jan 5, 1987Democratic
Lee S. DreyfusJan 3, 1979Jan 3, 1983Republican
Martin J. SchreiberJul 6, 1977Jan 3, 1979Democratic
Patrick LuceyJan 4, 1971Jul 6, 1977Democratic
Warren P. KnowlesJan 4, 1965Jan 4, 1971Republican
John W. Reynolds Jr.Jan 7, 1963Jan 4, 1965Democratic
Gaylord NelsonJan 5, 1959Jan 7, 1963Democratic
Vernon Wallace ThomsonJan 7, 1957Jan 5, 1959Republican
Walter J. Kohler Jr.Jan 1, 1951Jan 7, 1957Republican
Oscar RennebohmMar 12, 1947Jan 1, 1951Republican
Walter Samuel GoodlandJan 4, 1943Mar 12, 1947Republican
Julius P. HeilJan 2, 1939Jan 4, 1943Republican
Philip La FolletteJan 7, 1935Jan 2, 1939Wisconsin Progressive
Albert G. SchmedemanJan 2, 1933Jan 7, 1935Democratic
Philip La FolletteJan 5, 1931Jan 2, 1933Republican
Walter J. Kohler Sr.Jan 7, 1929Jan 5, 1931Republican
Fred R. ZimmermanJan 3, 1927Jan 7, 1929Republican
John J. BlaineJan 3, 1921Jan 3, 1927Republican
Emanuel L. PhilippJan 4, 1915Jan 3, 1921Republican
Francis E. McGovernJan 2, 1911Jan 4, 1915Republican
James O. DavidsonJan 1, 1906Jan 2, 1911Republican
Robert M. La Follette, Sr.Jan 7, 1901Jan 1, 1906Republican
Edward ScofieldJan 4, 1897Jan 7, 1901Republican
William H. UphamJan 7, 1895Jan 4, 1897Republican
George Wilbur PeckJan 5, 1891Jan 7, 1895Democratic
William D. HoardJan 7, 1889Jan 5, 1891Republican
Jeremiah McLain RuskJan 2, 1882Jan 7, 1889Republican
William E. SmithJan 7, 1878Jan 2, 1882Republican
Harrison LudingtonJan 3, 1876Jan 7, 1878Republican
William Robert TaylorJan 5, 1874Jan 3, 1876Democratic
Cadwallader C. WashburnJan 1, 1872Jan 5, 1874Republican
Lucius FairchildJan 1, 1866Jan 1, 1872Republican
James T. LewisJan 4, 1864Jan 1, 1866Republican
Edward SalomonApr 19, 1862Jan 4, 1864Republican
Louis P. HarveyJan 6, 1862Apr 19, 1862Republican
Alexander RandallJan 4, 1858Jan 6, 1862Republican
Coles BashfordMar 25, 1856Jan 4, 1858Republican
Arthur MacArthur Sr.Mar 21, 1856Mar 25, 1856Democratic
William A. BarstowJan 2, 1854Mar 21, 1856Democratic
Leonard J. FarwellJan 5, 1852Jan 2, 1854Whig
Nelson DeweyJun 7, 1848Jan 5, 1852Democratic
showing: 46 rows

Wisconsin has been a member of the United States since 1848. Since that time, the state has had a total of $45. The current governor is Tony Evers, who is a member of the Democratic Party. He has served as the governor of Wisconsin since 2019. During that time, Tony Evers has had to address a number of issues. Most importantly, Wisconsin has had issues related to inflation and the coronavirus pandemic. Tony Evers has had to work closely with the federal government to coordinate the state's response to benefit his constituents.

Who Was the Governor Before Tony Evers?

Before Tony Evers took over as the governor of Wisconsin in 2019, the state was led by Scott Walker. Walker was also considered a candidate for president, but he did not make it through the Republican primaries. In 2019, power shifted from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party, and Tony Evers was elected as the new governor.

Who Was the First Governor of Wisconsin?

The very first governor of Wisconsin was Nelson Dewey. He started his term in 1848, and he left office in 1852. He was a member of the democratic party. After that, Wisconsin had a number of governors who did not serve for very long. Leonard Farwell was governor from 1852 to 1854, and he was a member of the Whig party. Then, power shifted back to the Democratic party, with William A. Barstow serving from 1854 to 1856. Wisconsin has had a mix of Democratic and Republican governors since then, with power being evenly split.

Current Governor
Tony Evers
Governor Since
Jan 7, 2019
# of Governors Since Statehood

Which party is the current governor of Wisconsin?

The current governor of Wisconsin is Tony Evers, a Democrat.

How many governors has Wisconsin had?

There have been 45 governors of Wisconsin, 13 Democrats, 31 Republicans, and 2 from other parties.

When was the last Democratic governor in Wisconsin?

The last Democratic governor in Wisconsin is Tony Evers, who has served from 2019 to the present day.

When was the last Republican governor in Wisconsin?

The last Republican governor in Wisconsin was Scott Walker, who served from 2011 to 2019.

Frequently Asked Questions