| Afghanistan | | | |
| Albania | | | |
| Algeria | | | |
| Angola | | | |
| Anguilla | | | |
| Antigua and Barbuda |
- European fallow deer (national animal)
- Frigate (national bird)
- Hawksbill turtle (national sea creature)
- Dama dama
- Fregata magnificens
- Eretmochelys imbricata
| |
| Argentina | | | |
| Armenia | | | |
| Australia |
- Red kangaroo (national animal)
- Emu (national bird)
- Macropus rufus
- Dromaius novaehollandiae
| |
| Austria | | |
- Austrian Bundesadler (heraldic "Federal Eagle")
| Azerbaijan | | | |
| Bahrain | | | |
| Bangladesh |
- Royal Bengal tiger (national animal)
- Magpie robin (national bird)
- Ilish (national fish)
- Panthera tigris tigris
- Copsychus saularis
- Tenualosa ilisha
| |
| Belarus | | | |
| Belgium | | |
- Leo Belgicus (heraldic "Belgic lion")
| Belize |
- Baird's tapir (national animal)
- Keel-billed toucan (national bird)
- Tapirus bairdii
- Ramphastos sulfuratus
| |
| Bhutan | | | |
| Bolivia | | | |
| Botswana | | | |
| Brazil | | | |
| Bulgaria | | | |
| Cambodia | | | |
| Canada |
- North American beaver
- Canadian horse
- Castor canadensis
- Equus ferus caballus
| |
| Chile | | | |
| China |
- Giant panda
- Red-crowned crane
- Ailuropoda melanoleuca
- Grus japonensis
| |
| Colombia | | | |
| Costa Rica | | | |
| Croatia | | | |
| Cuba | | | |
| Cyprus | | | |
| Denmark |
- Mute swan (national bird)
- Small tortoiseshell (national butterfly)
- Cygnus olor
- Aglais urticae
| |
| Dominican Republic | | | |
| DR Congo | | | |
| Ecuador | | | |
| Egypt | | | |
| El Salvador | | | |
| Eritrea | | | |
| Estonia | | | |
| Ethiopia | | | |
| Faroe Islands | | | |
| Fiji | | | |
| Finland |
- Whooper swan (national bird)
- Holly blue (national butterfly)
- European perch (national fish)
- Seven-spot ladybird (national insect)
- Cygnus cygnus
- Celastrina argiolus
- Perca fluviatilis
- Coccinella septempunctata
| |
| France | | | |
| Gabon | | | |
| Gambia | | | |
| Georgia | | | |
| Germany | | |
- Bundesadler (heraldic "Federal Eagle")
| Ghana | | | |
| Greece | | | |
| Guatemala | | | |
| Guyana | | | |
| Haiti | | | |
| Honduras | | | |
| Hungary | | | |
| Iceland | | | |
| India |
- Tiger (National animal)
- Indian peacock (National bird)
- King cobra (National reptile)
- Ganges river dolphin (National aquatic animal)
- Indian elephant (National heritage animal)
- Panthera tigris
- Pavo cristatus
- Ophiophagus hannah
- Platanista gangetica
- Elephas maximus indicus
| |
| Indonesia | | | |
| Iran | | | |
| Iraq | |
- Alectoris chukar,
Capra aegagrus
| |
| Ireland | | | |
| Israel | | | |
| Italy | | | |
| Ivory Coast | | | |
| Jamaica | | | |
| Japan |
- Green pheasant (national bird)
- Carp (national fish)
- Phasianus versicolor
- Cyprinus carpio
| |
| Jordan | | | |
| Kazakhstan | | | |
| Kenya | | | |
| Kiribati | | | |
| Kuwait | | | |
| Kyrgyzstan | | | |
| Laos | | | |
| Latvia |
- White wagtail (national bird)
- Two-spotted ladybird (national insect)
- Motacilla alba
- Adalia bipunctata
| |
| Lebanon | | | |
| Lesotho | | | |
| Liberia | | | |
| Libya | | | |
| Lithuania | | | |
| Luxembourg | | | |
| Madagascar |
- Zebu (in Malagasy heraldry)
- Ring-tailed lemur (national animal)
- Bos primigenius indicus
- Lemur catta
| |
| Malawi | | | |
| Malaysia | | | |
| Malta | | | |
| Mauritius | | | |
| Mexico |
- Golden eagle (national animal)
- Xoloitzcuintli (national dog)
- Jaguar (national mammal)
- Grasshopper (national arthropod )
- Vaquita (national marine mammal)
- Aquila chrysaetos
- Canis lupus familiaris
- Panthera onca
- Sphenarium purpurascens
- Phocoena sinus
| |
| Moldova | | | |
| Mongolia | | | |
| Montenegro | | | |
| Morocco | | | |
| Mozambique | | | |
| Myanmar | | | |
| Namibia | | | |
| Nepal |
- Cow (national animal)
- Danphe (national bird)
- Bos taurus indicus
- Lophophorus impejanus
| |
| Netherlands | |
- Panthera leo
- Limosa limosa
| |
| New Zealand | | | |
| Nicaragua | | | |
| Nigeria | |
- Haliaeetus leucocephalus
- Balearica pavonina
| |
| North Korea | | | |
| North Macedonia | | | |
| Norway |
- Lion (royal national animal)
- White-throated dipper (national bird)
- Fjord horse (national horse)
- Panthera leo
- Cinclus cinclus
- Equus ferus caballus
| |
| Oman | | | |
| Pakistan |
- Markhor (National animal)
- Indus river dolphin (National aquatic mammal)
- Chukar (National bird)
- Indus crocodile (National reptile)
- Shaheen falcon (Heritage bird
- Snow leopard (National predator)
- Capra falconeri
- Platanista indicus minor
- Alectoris chukar
- Crocodylus palustris
- Falco peregrinus peregrinator
- Panthera uncia
| |
| Palestine | | | |
| Panama | | | |
| Papua New Guinea | | | |
| Paraguay | | | |
| Peru | | | |
| Philippines | | | |
| Poland |
- White-tailed eagle (national bird)
- White stork (national bird)
- European bison (national animal)
- Haliaeetus albicilla
- Ciconia ciconia
- Bison bonasus
| |
| Portugal | | | |
| Qatar | | | |
| Romania | | | |
| Russia | | | |
| Rwanda | | | |
| Saint Kitts and Nevis | | | |
| Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | | | |
| San Marino | | | |
| Saudi Arabia | | | |
| Senegal | | | |
| Serbia | |
- Canis lupus lupus
- Lynx lynx
| |
| Seychelles | | | |
| Sierra Leone | | | |
| Singapore | | | |
| Slovakia | | | |
| Solomon Islands | | | |
| South Africa |
- Springbok (national animal)
- Blue crane (national bird)
- Galjoen (national fish)
- Antidorcas marsupialis
- Anthropoides paradiseus
- Dichistius capensis
| |
| South Korea | | | |
| Spain | | | |
| Sri Lanka |
- Lion (national animal)
- Sri Lankan junglefowl (national bird)
- Panthera leo
- Gallus lafayettii
| |
| Sudan | | | |
| Sweden |
- Eurasian Elk/Moose (national animal)
- Eurasian blackbird (national bird)
| | |
| Syria | | | |
| Taiwan | |
- Ursus thibetanus formosanus
| |
| Tajikistan | | | |
| Tanzania | | | |
| Thailand | | | |
| Timor-Leste | | | |
| Togo | | | |
| Trinidad and Tobago |
- Rufous-vented Chachalaca
- Scarlet Ibis
- Ortalis ruficauda
- Eudocimus ruber
| |
| Tunisia | | | |
| Turkey | | | |
| Turkmenistan | | | |
| Uganda | | | |
| Ukraine | | | |
| United Arab Emirates |
- Arabian oryx (national animal)
- Peregrine falcon (national bird)
- Oryx leucoryx
- Falco peregrinus
| |
| United Kingdom |
- Lion (England)
- Bulldog (Britain as "British Bulldog")
- Red kite (Wales)
- Panthera leo
- Canis lupus familiaris
- Milvus milvus
- Unicorn (Scotland)
- Y Ddraig Goch (Welsh Dragon Wales)
| United States |
- Bald eagle (national bird)
- American bison (national mammal)
- Haliaeetus leucocephalus
- Bison bison
| |
| Uruguay | | | |
| Uzbekistan | | | |
| Venezuela | | | |
| Vietnam | |
- Bubalus bubalis
- Panthera tigris
| |
| Yemen | | | |
| Zambia | | | |
| Zimbabwe |
- Sable antelope (national animal)
- African fish eagle (national bird)
- Hippotragus niger
- Haliaeetus vocifer
| |