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Scouting is a program that is educational and non-political for boys and girls. The program introduces practices related to the military, camping, sports, and hiking. The programs are socially organized, allowing boys and girls to interact with their peers while learning new skills and information. Most of the scouting ventures are organized and monitored by the World Organization of the Scout Movement. This overseeing body helps manage the program, educational material, and admittance procedures for members of the scouting movement.
Scouting most likely originated in the United Kingdom in 1907. A former military officer, Baden-Powell wrote a book titled Scouting for Boys, which illustrated traditional military, camping, hiking, and basic outdoor skills. To test the usefulness of the skills outlined in the book, a camp was organized in London. This camp is largely believed to be the start of the scouting movement. Since the 1907 creation of the book and original camp, scouting has spread throughout the world to almost every country in the world.
As per the World Organization for the Scout Movement, there can only be one recognized scouting organization per country. The only exception to this rule is that Canada has two organizations, one for the English-speaking members and one for the French-speaking members. Just about every country in the world, with a few notable exceptions, has a scouting program. Although there are several scouting programs globally, only about 30 national scouting programs are official members of the World Organization for the Scout Movement.
Scouting programs exist in just about every country in the world. The United Kingdom is credited with the oldest and original scouting program, which started in about 1907 following the publication of Scouting for Boys. South Africa, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Ireland, and Malta soon joined the scouting movement the following year with the creation of their own programs. Several European countries, including Greece, Germany, France, and Portugal, created their own scouting programs throughout the 1910s, with the United States creating its own program in 1910. The most recent countries to develop a scouting program include Ukraine, Myanmar, and South Sudan.
Some countries do not currently have a scouting program in place. Countries that do not have a national scouting program include Vatican City, North Korea, Laos, Cuba, China, and Andorra. Although these countries do not have an officially recognized scouting program, several still have active scouting clubs for members to join.
Country | Members of World Organization Scout Movement 2022 | Members of WOSM 2021 | National Org (Abbrev) | National Organization (Full Name) |
Indonesia | 25,272,210 | 25,272,210 | GP-ID | Gerakan Pramuka |
India | 3,130,979 | 3,835,094 | TBSG-IN | The Bharat Scouts and Guides |
Philippines | 2,572,746 | 760,308 | BSP-PH | Boy Scouts of the Philippines |
Bangladesh | 2,434,414 | 2,261,351 | BS-BD | Bangladesh Scouts |
Kenya | 2,276,000 | 2,248,000 | TKSA-KE | The Kenya Scouts Association |
United States | 1,626,235 | 1,393,848 | BSA-US | Boy Scouts of America |
Tanzania | 789,102 | 464,690 | TSA-TZ | Tanzania Scouts Association |
Thailand | 786,292 | 486,292 | NSOT-TH | National Scout Organization of Thailand |
Nigeria | 750,073 | 750,073 | BSN-NG | The Scout Association of Nigeria |
United Kingdom | 561,875 | 558,351 | TSA-GB | The Scout Association |
Pakistan | 428,240 | 385,871 | PBSA-PK | Pakistan Boy Scouts Association |
Germany | 247,316 | 110,096 | RdP-DE | BdP-DE | DPSG-DE | VCP-DE | Ring deutscher Pfadfinder*innenverbände | Bund der Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder | Deutsche Pfadfinderschaft Sankt Georg | Verband Christlicher Pfadfinderinnen und |
France | 240,108 | 113,335 | FSF-FR | EEDF-FR | EEIF-FR | EEUF-FR | SdF-FR | SMdF-FR | EDLN-FR | Scoutisme Français | Les Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs de France | Les Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs Israélites de France | Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs | Scouts et Guides de France | Scouts Musulmans de France | Eclaireuses et Eclaireurs de la Nature |
Belgium | 229,998 | 121,600 | GSB-BE | FSC-BE | SGV-BE | FOS-BE | SGP-BE | Guidisme et Scoutisme en Belgique | Les Scouts | Scouts en Gidsen Vlaanderen | Federatie voor Open Scoutisme | Scouts et Guides Pluralistes |
Turkey | 223,417 | 223,417 | TI-TR | Türkiye İzcilik Federasyonu |
Italy | 202,306 | 98,616 | FIS-IT | AGESCI-IT | CNGEI-IT | Federazione Italiana dello Scautismo | Associazione Guide e Scouts Cattolici Italiani | Corpo Nazionale Giovani Esploratori ed Esploratrici | |
DR Congo | 169,013 | 169,013 | FESCO-CD | Fédération des Scouts de la of the Congo |
Malaysia | 150,103 | 137,074 | PPM-MY | Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia |
Malawi | 146,612 | 146,612 | SA-MW | Scout Association of Malawi |
Portugal | 142,492 | 71,246 | FEP-PT | AEP-PT | CNE-PT | Federação Escutista de Portugal | Associação dos Escoteiros de Portugal | Corpo Nacional de Escutas |
Spain | 134,972 | 63,911 | FEE-ES | ASDE-ES | MSC-ES | FCEG-ES | Federación de Escultismo en España | ASDE-Scouts de España | Movimiento Scout Católico | Federació Catalana d’Escoltisme i Guiatge |
Ethiopia | 130,533 | 108,196 | ESA-ET | Ethiopia Scout Association |
Madagascar | 126,428 | 57,604 | FSM-MG | KM-MG | TEM-MG | AM-MG | Firaisan’ny Skotisma eto Madagasikara | Kiadin’i Madagasikara | Tily Eto Madagasikara | Antilin’i Madagasikara |
Bhutan | 124,892 | 76,876 | BSA-BT | Bhutan Scout Association |
Uganda | 116,098 | 116,098 | USA-UG | Uganda Scout Association |
Burundi | 116,025 | 104,874 | ASdB-BI | Association des Scouts du Burundi |
Israel | 115,638 | 57,819 | IBGSF-IL | HBGSA-IL | ASBGS-IL | IDBGSA-IL | ICBGS-IL | OSA-IL | IABGS-IL | Hitachdut Hatsofim Ve Hatsofot Be Israel | The Hebrew Scout Association | The Arab School Scout Association | The Druze Scouts Association | The Israeli Catholic Scouts Association | The Orthodox Scout Association | The Israeli Arab Scouts Association |
Palestine | 101,777 | 93,015 | PSA-PS | Palestinian Scout Association |
Sri Lanka | 93,639 | 51,379 | SLSA-LK | Sri Lanka Scout Association |
Denmark | 90,230 | 46,946 | FDD-DK | DDS-DK | KFUM-DK | DBS-DK | FSR-DK | KNSKGS-DK | The Danish Scout Council | Det Danske Spejderkorps | KFUM - Spejderne i Danmark | Danske Baptisters Spejderkorps | Føroya Skótarád | Kalaallit Nunaanni Spejderit Kattuffiat |
Hong Kong | 88,180 | 84,432 | TSAHK-HK | Scout Association of Hong Kong |
Brazil | 83,861 | 62,990 | UEdB-BR | União dos Escoteiros do Brasil |
Algeria | 81,941 | 77,554 | SMA-DZ | Scouts Musulmans Algériens |
Japan | 80,744 | 82,960 | SAJ-JP | Scout Association of Japan |
Zambia | 78,964 | 68,013 | ZSA-ZM | Zambia Scouts Association |
Egypt | 71,999 | 71,999 | ESF-EG | Egyptian Scout Federation |
Australia | 71,574 | 62,386 | TSAA-AU | The Scout Association of Australia |
Czech Republic | 70,818 | 68,479 | JS-CZ | Junák – český skaut |
Argentina | 69,129 | 66,764 | SdA-AR | Scouts de Argentina |
Canada | 66,748 | 46,327 | SC-CA | ASdC-CA | Scouts Canada | Association des Scouts du Canada |
Rwanda | 60,100 | 49,374 | ASdR-RW | Rwanda Scouts Association |
Cambodia | 59,384 | 59,275 | CS-KH | Cambodia Scouts |
Finland | 56,433 | 54,900 | SPFS-FI | Suomen Partiolaiset Finlands Scouter |
China | 53,161 | 53,972 | TGASC-TW | The General Association of the Scouts of China |
Netherlands | 52,509 | 52,509 | SN-NL | Scouting Nederland |
Nepal | 50,081 | 74,594 | NS-NP | Nepal Scouts |
Sierra Leone | 47,638 | 24,535 | SLSA-SL | Sierra Leone Scouts Association |
Ireland | 45,721 | 45,721 | SI-IE | Scouting Ireland |
Sweden | 43,698 | 41,713 | SSR-SE | Scouterna |
Haiti | 43,618 | 43,618 | SdH-HT | Association Nationale des Scouts D'Haïti |
Ivory Coast | 42,990 | 21,495 | FIS-CI | ELdCI-CI | EUdCI-CI | édération Ivoirienne du Scoutisme | Les Eclaireurs Laïcs de Côte d'Ivoire | Les Eclaireurs Unionistes de Côte d'Ivoire |
Chile | 41,923 | 28,055 | AGSdC-CL | Asociación de Guías y Scouts de Chile |
Angola | 38,454 | 29,086 | AEA-AO | Associação de Escuteiros de Angola |
Poland | 35,939 | 35,939 | ZHP-PL | Związek Harcerstwa Polskiego |
Mexico | 35,284 | 25,972 | ASdM-MX | Asociación de Scouts de Mexico |
Morocco | 32,534 | 27,806 | FNSM-MA | Fédération Nationale du Scoutisme Marocain |
Jordan | 31,873 | 31,873 | JABSGG-JO | The Jordanian Association for Boy Scouts and Girl |
South Africa | 31,861 | 575 | SASA-ZA | Scouts South Africa |
Norway | 31,542 | 15,771 | TGSN-NO | NSF-NO | KFUM-NO | Speiderne i Norge | Norges Speiderforbund | Norges KFUK-KFUM -speidere |
Lebanon | 28,290 | 24,996 | FSL-LB | Lebanese Scouting Federation |
Austria | 27,274 | 27,274 | PPÖ-AT | Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen |
Switzerland | 26,737 | 25,530 | MSdS-CH | Mouvement Scout de Suisse |
South Korea | 25,826 | 25,826 | KSA-KR | Korea Scout Association |
Libya | 25,339 | 22,801 | PSGGM-LY | Boy Scouts and Girl Guides of Libya |
Oman | 23,150 | 21,810 | TNOSG-OM | The National Organization for Scouts and Guides |
Ghana | 23,103 | 20,824 | TGSA-GH | The Ghana Scout Association |
Zimbabwe | 21,244 | 21,244 | TSAZ-ZW | The Scout Association of Zimbabwe |
Senegal | 20,670 | 10,335 | CSS-SN | SdS-SN | EdS-SN | Confédération Sénégalaise | Les Scouts du Sénégal | Eclaireurs du Sénégal |
Saudi Arabia | 18,841 | 18,841 | SABSA-SA | Saudi Arabian Boy Scouts Association |
Costa Rica | 18,705 | 17,698 | AGSdCR-CR | Asociación de Guías Scouts de Costa Rica |
Greece | 17,835 | 12,671 | SHP-GR | Soma Hellinon Proskopon |
Luxembourg | 17,784 | 7,776 | LBSA-LU | LGS-LU | FNEL-LU | Scouting in Luxembourg | Lëtzebuerger Guiden a Scouten | Fédération Nationale des Eclaireurs et Eclaireuses du |
New Zealand | 16,957 | 20,534 | SNZ-NZ | Scouts New Zealand |
Gambia | 15,582 | 15,582 | TGSA-GM | The Gambia Scout Association |
Sudan | 15,470 | 15,470 | SSA-SD | Sudan Scouts Association |
Tunisia | 15,334 | 15,311 | ST-TN | Les Scouts Tunisiens |
Togo | 14,617 | 14,617 | ASdT-TG | Association Scoute du Togo |
Afghanistan | 13,505 | 13,505 | ANSO-AF | Asia-Pacific Afghanistan National Scout Organization |
Syria | 13,487 | 11,423 | SS-SY | Scouts of Syria |
Maldives | 13,315 | 13,315 | TSAM-MV | Scout Association of Maldives |
Iraq | 13,128 | 13,128 | ISA-IQ | Iraq Scout Association |
Hungary | 12,937 | 12,937 | MCSSZ-HU | Magyar Cserkészszövetség |
Mongolia | 12,324 | 12,324 | TSAM-MN | The Scout Association of Mongolia |
Singapore | 12,029 | 12,010 | TSSA-SG | The Singapore Scout Association |
Colombia | 11,893 | 12,684 | ASdC-CO | Asociación Scouts de Colombia |
South Sudan | 11,300 | 11,300 | SSSA-SS | South Sudan Scout Association |
Guinea Bissau | 9,698 | 9,698 | EGB-GW | Escuteiros da Guiné Bissau |
United Arab Emirates | 9,125 | 8,982 | ESA-AE | Emirates Scout Association |
Benin | 8,864 | 8,873 | SB-BJ | Scoutisme Béninois |
Cameroon | 8,859 | 8,859 | SdC-CM | Les Scouts du Cameroun |
Guinea | 8,760 | 8,555 | ANSG-GN | Association Nationale des Scouts de Guinée |
Mozambique | 8,692 | 8,692 | LEMO-MZ | Liga dos Escuteiros de Moçambique |
Ecuador | 8,421 | 5,947 | ASdE-EC | Asociación de Scouts del Ecuador |
Yemen | 8,342 | 8,342 | YSA-YE | Yemen Scout Association |
Burkina Faso | 8,070 | 7,644 | ASBF-BF | Association des Scouts du Burkina Faso |
Slovakia | 7,918 | 7,465 | Ss-SK | Slovensky skauting |
Liberia | 7,841 | 7,841 | BSL-LR | Liberia Scout Association |
Peru | 7,775 | 4,552 | ASdP-PE | Asociación de Scouts del Peru |
Timor Leste | 7,090 | 6,589 | UNE-TL | União Nacional dos Escuteiros de Timor-Leste |
Venezuela | 7,005 | 5,863 | ASdV-VE | Asociación de Scouts de Venezuela |
Romania | 6,902 | 6,087 | CR-RO | Cercetasii României |
Slovenia | 6,065 | 6,065 | ZTS-SI | Zveza tabornikov Slovenije |
Botswana | 6,011 | 23,816 | TBSA-BW | The Botswana Scouts Association |
Fiji | 5,724 | 1,395 | FSA-FJ | Fiji Scouts Association |
Kuwait | 5,415 | 5,259 | KBSA-KW | Kuwait Boy Scouts Association |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 4,986 | 2,493 | TCSABH-BA | SAFBH-BA | SARS-BA | IBD-BA | Scout Association in Bosnia and Herzegovina | Savez Izvidaca Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine | Savez Izvidjaca Republike Srpske | Scouts of the Brcko District |
Vietnam | 4,955 | 3,377 | PSV-VN | Pathfinder Scouts Vietnam |
Myanmar | 4,827 | 2,102 | MS-MM | Myanmar Scout |
Bolivia | 4,754 | 3,788 | ASdB-BO | Asociación de Scouts de Bolivia |
Papua New Guinea | 4,718 | 6,796 | TSAPNG-PG | The Scout Association of Papua New Guinea |
Qatar | 4,482 | 3,897 | QBSA-QA | Qatar Boy Scouts Association |
Eswatini | 4,293 | 4,269 | ESA-SZ | Eswatini Scout Association |
Cyprus | 4,280 | 4,280 | CSA-CY | Cyprus Scouts Association |
Namibia | 4,093 | 4,095 | SN-NA | Scouts of Namibia |
Malta | 3,977 | 3,633 | TSAM-MT | The Scout Association of Malta |
Mauritania | 3,790 | 3,790 | ASGdM-MR | Association des Scouts et Guides de Mauritanie |
Mauritius | 3,711 | 3,711 | TMSA-MU | The Mauritius Scout Association |
Serbia | 3,474 | 3,474 | SAS-RS | Savez Izvidjaca Srbije |
Bahrain | 3,409 | 3,270 | BSB-BH | Boy Scouts of Bahrain |
Niger | 3,305 | 3,305 | ASdN-NE | Association des Scouts du Niger |
Comoros | 3,295 | 3,295 | ANSC-KM | Wezo Mbeli |
Croatia | 3,259 | 3,111 | SiH-HR | Savez izvidaca Hrvatske |
North Macedonia | 3,017 | 2,957 | SIM-MK | Sojuz na Izvidnici na Makedonija |
Lithuania | 2,912 | 3,004 | LS-LT | Lietuvos Skautija |
Guatemala | 2,786 | 1,457 | ASdG-GT | Asociación de Scouts de Guatemala |
Georgia | 2,759 | 2,759 | GOSM-GE | Sakartvelos Skauturi Modzraobis Organizatsia |
Trinidad and Tobago | 2,720 | 1,460 | TSATT-TT | The Scout Association of Trinidad and Tobago |
Lesotho | 2,630 | 2,630 | LSA-LS | Lesotho Scouts Association |
Macau | 2,380 | 2,355 | TSAM-MO | The Scout Association of Macau |
Russia | 2,035 | 2,035 | ARSA-RU | All-Russian Scout Association |
Panama | 1,860 | 1,630 | ANSdP-PA | Asociación Nacional de Scouts de Panamá |
Ukraine | 1,812 | 1,580 | NOSU-UA | National Organization of Scouts of Ukraine |
El Salvador | 1,802 | 1,876 | ASdES-SV | Asociación de Scouts de El Salvador |
Iceland | 1,800 | 1,756 | BIS-IS | Bandalag íslenskra Skáta |
Montenegro | 1,657 | 1,509 | ASM-ME | Savez Izvidjaca Crne Gore |
Honduras | 1,497 | 1,882 | ASdH-HN | Asociación de Scouts de Honduras |
Armenia | 1,473 | 1,473 | HASK-AM | Hayastani Azgayin Scautakan Sharjum |
Sao Tome and Principe | 1,398 | 1,398 | AESTP-ST | Associação dos Escuteiro de São Tomé e Príncipe |
Jamaica | 1,390 | 198 | TSAJ-JM | The Scout Association of Jamaica |
Grenada | 1,378 | 1,378 | TSAG-GD | The Scout Association of Grenada |
Dominican Republic | 1,366 | 1,195 | ASD-DO | Asociación de Scouts Dominicanos |
Brunei | 1,341 | 1,251 | PPNBD-BN | Persekutuan Pengakap Negara Brunei Darussalam |
Uruguay | 1,318 | 2,122 | MSdU-UY | Movimiento Scout del Uruguay |
Barbados | 1,305 | 1,305 | BBSA-BB | Barbados Boy Scouts Association |
Paraguay | 1,273 | 555 | ASdP-PY | Asociación de Scouts del Paraguay |
Belarus | 1,268 | 1,251 | BRSA-BY | Belarusian Republican Scout Association |
Kiribati | 1,166 | 1,166 | KSA-KI | Kiribati Scout Association |
Estonia | 1,125 | 1,154 | ESU-EE | Eesti Skautide Ühing |
Kazakhstan | 1,010 | 1,010 | OSMK-KZ | Organisation of the Scout Movement of Kazakhstan |
Nicaragua | 973 | 973 | ASdN-NI | Asociación de Scouts de Nicaragua |
Latvia | 963 | 963 | LSGCO-LV | Latvijas Skautu un Gaidu centrala organizacija |
Curacao | 812 | 739 | SA-CW | Scouting Antiano |
Suriname | 787 | 787 | BSS-SR | Boy Scouts van Suriname |
Liechtenstein | 714 | 712 | PPL-LI | Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen |
Bahamas | 645 | 644 | TSAB-BS | The Scout Association of the Bahamas |
Azerbaijan | 616 | 1,571 | ASA-AZ | Azerbaycan Skautlar Assosiasiyasi |
Guyana | 610 | 217 | TSAG-GY | The Scout Association of Guyana |
Solomon Islands | 575 | SISA-SB | Solomon Islands Scout Association | |
Belize | 555 | 183 | TSAB-BZ | The Scout Association of Belize |
Cape Verde | 485 | 372 | AECV-CV | Associação dos Escuteiros de Cabo Verde |
Dominica | 452 | 452 | TSAD-DM | The Scout Association of Dominica |
Aruba | 419 | 456 | SA-AW | Scouting Aruba |
Saint Lucia | 393 | 393 | TSLSA-LC | The Saint Lucia Scout Association |
Moldova | 363 | 363 | NOSM-MD | Asociatia Nationala A Scoutilor Din Moldova |
Bulgaria | 346 | 304 | OBS-BG | Organisation of Bulgarian Scouts |
San Marino | 273 | 273 | AGECS-SM | Associazione Guide e Esploratori Cattolici |
Tajikistan | 270 | 354 | SAT-TJ | Ittihodi Scouthoi Tochikiston |
Seychelles | 229 | 286 | SSA-SC | The Seychelles Scouts Association |
Monaco | 133 | 133 | AGSM-MC | Association des Guides et Scouts de Monaco |
Antigua and Barbuda | 109 | 105 | ABSA-AG | Antigua and Barbuda Scout Association |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 97 | 97 | SASVG-VC | The Scout Association of Grenadines |