Governors of Indiana

Term Start
Term End
Eric HolcombJan 9, 2017-Republican
Mike PenceJan 14, 2013Jan 9, 2017Republican
Mitch DanielsJan 10, 2005Jan 14, 2013Republican
Joe KernanSep 13, 2003Jan 10, 2005Democratic
Frank O'BannonJan 13, 1997Sep 13, 2003Democratic
Evan BayhJan 9, 1989Jan 13, 1997Democratic
Robert D. OrrJan 12, 1981Jan 9, 1989Republican
Otis BowenJan 8, 1973Jan 12, 1981Republican
Edgar WhitcombJan 13, 1969Jan 8, 1973Republican
Roger D. BraniginJan 11, 1965Jan 13, 1969Democratic
Matthew E. WelshJan 9, 1961Jan 11, 1965Democratic
Harold W. HandleyJan 14, 1957Jan 9, 1961Republican
George N. CraigJan 12, 1953Jan 14, 1957Republican
Henry F. SchrickerJan 10, 1949Jan 12, 1953Democratic
Ralph F. GatesJan 8, 1945Jan 10, 1949Republican
Henry F. SchrickerJan 13, 1941Jan 8, 1945Democratic
M. Clifford TownsendJan 11, 1937Jan 13, 1941Democratic
Paul V. McNuttJan 9, 1933Jan 11, 1937Democratic
Harry G. LeslieJan 14, 1929Jan 9, 1933Republican
Edward L. JacksonJan 12, 1925Jan 14, 1929Republican
Emmett Forest BranchApr 30, 1924Jan 12, 1925Republican
Warren T. McCrayJan 10, 1921Apr 30, 1924Republican
James P. GoodrichJan 8, 1917Jan 10, 1921Republican
Samuel M. RalstonJan 13, 1913Jan 8, 1917Democratic
Thomas R. MarshallJan 11, 1909Jan 13, 1913Democratic
Frank HanlyJan 9, 1905Jan 11, 1909Republican
Winfield T. DurbinJan 14, 1901Jan 9, 1905Republican
James A. MountJan 11, 1897Jan 14, 1901Republican
Claude MatthewsJan 9, 1893Jan 11, 1897Democratic
Ira Joy ChaseNov 23, 1891Jan 9, 1893Republican
Alvin Peterson HoveyJan 14, 1889Nov 23, 1891Republican
Isaac P. GrayJan 12, 1885Jan 14, 1889Democratic
Albert G. PorterJan 10, 1881Jan 12, 1885Republican
Isaac P. GrayNov 20, 1880Jan 10, 1881Democratic
James D. WilliamsJan 8, 1877Nov 20, 1880Democratic
Thomas A. HendricksJan 13, 1873Jan 8, 1877Democratic
Conrad BakerJan 24, 1867Jan 13, 1873Republican
Oliver P. MortonJan 16, 1861Jan 24, 1867Republican
Henry Smith LaneJan 14, 1861Jan 16, 1861Republican
Abram A. HammondOct 4, 1860Jan 14, 1861Democratic
Ashbel P. WillardJan 12, 1857Oct 4, 1860Democratic
Joseph A. WrightDec 5, 1849Jan 12, 1857Democratic
Paris C. DunningDec 27, 1848Dec 5, 1849Democratic
James WhitcombDec 6, 1843Dec 27, 1848Democratic
Samuel BiggerDec 9, 1840Dec 6, 1843Whig
David WallaceDec 6, 1837Dec 9, 1840Whig
Noah NobleDec 7, 1831Dec 6, 1837Whig
James B. RayFeb 12, 1825Dec 7, 1831Independent
William HendricksDec 5, 1822Feb 12, 1825Democratic-Republican
Ratliff BoonSep 12, 1822Dec 5, 1822Democratic-Republican
Jonathan JenningsNov 7, 1816Sep 12, 1822Democratic-Republican
showing: 51 rows

History of Indiana Governors

Since statehood, there have been 49 different governors of Indiana. The first governor was Jonathan Jennings, who was elected in 1816. Jennings was a representative of the Democratic-Republican Party. Indiana has seen governors from the Democratic-Republican, Independent, and Whig Parties and the modern Democratic and Republican Parties we know today.

There has not been much stability in political allegiance in this state, and every few years, the leading political party for the governor's office is subject to a switch. Out of 49 different governors, 21 have been Democratic, while 23 have been Republican, indicating a reasonably balanced split. The past three governors in Indiana have been Republican. One of the most notable governors of Indiana was Mike Pence, who went on to serve as Vice President of the United States. Pence was governor of Indiana from 2013 to 2017.

Current Indiana Governor

The current governor in Indiana is Eric Holcomb, who is a representative of the Republican Party. He was elected into office on January 9, 2017. Holcomb followed Governor Mike Pence, who left office to serve as the Vice President of the United States. In 2016, Holcomb toyed with the idea of running for a Senate position but eventually withdrew from the race.

Current Governor
Eric Holcomb
Governor Since
Jan 9, 2017
# of Governors Since Statehood

Which party is the current governor of Indiana?

The current governor of Indiana is Eric Holcomb, a Republican.

How many governors has Indiana had?

There have been 49 governors of Indiana, 19 Democrats, 23 Republicans, and 7 from other parties.

When was the last Republican governor in Indiana?

The last Republican governor in Indiana is Eric Holcomb, who has served from 2017 to the present day.

When was the last Democrat governor in Indiana?

The last Democrat governor in Indiana was Joe Kernan, who served from 2003 to 2005.

Frequently Asked Questions