Governors of Kansas

Term Start
Term End
Laura KellyJan 14, 2019-Democratic
Jeff ColyerJan 31, 2018Jan 14, 2019Republican
Sam BrownbackJan 10, 2011Jan 31, 2018Republican
Mark ParkinsonApr 28, 2009Jan 10, 2011Democratic
Kathleen SebeliusJan 13, 2003Apr 28, 2009Democratic
Bill GravesJan 9, 1995Jan 13, 2003Republican
Joan FinneyJan 14, 1991Jan 9, 1995Democratic
Mike HaydenJan 12, 1987Jan 14, 1991Republican
John W. CarlinJan 8, 1979Jan 12, 1987Democratic
Robert Frederick BennettJan 13, 1975Jan 8, 1979Republican
Robert DockingJan 9, 1967Jan 13, 1975Democratic
William H. AveryJan 11, 1965Jan 9, 1967Republican
John Anderson Jr.Jan 9, 1961Jan 11, 1965Republican
George DockingJan 14, 1957Jan 9, 1961Democratic
John McCuishJan 3, 1957Jan 14, 1957Republican
Fred HallJan 10, 1955Jan 3, 1957Republican
Edward F. ArnJan 8, 1951Jan 10, 1955Republican
Frank L. HagamanNov 28, 1950Jan 8, 1951Republican
Frank CarlsonJan 13, 1947Nov 28, 1950Republican
Andrew Frank SchoeppelJan 11, 1943Jan 13, 1947Republican
Payne RatnerJan 9, 1939Jan 11, 1943Republican
Walter A. HuxmanJan 11, 1937Jan 9, 1939Democratic
Alf LandonJan 9, 1933Jan 11, 1937Republican
Harry Hines WoodringJan 12, 1931Jan 9, 1933Democratic
Clyde M. ReedJan 14, 1929Jan 12, 1931Republican
Benjamin S. PaulenJan 12, 1925Jan 14, 1929Republican
Jonathan M. DavisJan 8, 1923Jan 12, 1925Democratic
Henry Justin AllenJan 13, 1919Jan 8, 1923Republican
Arthur CapperJan 11, 1915Jan 13, 1919Republican
George H. HodgesJan 13, 1913Jan 11, 1915Democratic
Walter R. StubbsJan 11, 1909Jan 13, 1913Republican
Edward W. HochJan 9, 1905Jan 11, 1909Republican
Willis J. BaileyJan 12, 1903Jan 9, 1905Republican
William Eugene StanleyJan 9, 1899Jan 12, 1903Republican
John W. LeedyJan 11, 1897Jan 9, 1899Populist
Edmund Needham MorrillJan 14, 1895Jan 11, 1897Republican
Lorenzo D. LewellingJan 8, 1893Jan 14, 1895Populist
Lyman U. HumphreyJan 14, 1889Jan 8, 1893Republican
John MartinJan 12, 1885Jan 14, 1889Republican
George Washington GlickJan 8, 1883Jan 12, 1885Democratic
John St. JohnJan 13, 1879Jan 8, 1883Republican
George T. AnthonyJan 8, 1877Jan 13, 1879Republican
Thomas A. OsbornJan 13, 1873Jan 8, 1877Republican
James M. HarveyJan 11, 1869Jan 13, 1873Republican
Nehemiah GreenNov 4, 1868Jan 11, 1869Republican
Samuel J. CrawfordJan 9, 1865Nov 4, 1868Republican
Thomas CarneyJan 12, 1863Jan 9, 1865Republican
Charles L. RobinsonFeb 9, 1861Jan 12, 1863Republican
showing: 48 rows

History of Kansas Governors

Kansas has had a long line of governors representing several political parties. The first governor of Kansas was Charles L. Robinson, elected in 1861. Robinson served for two years as a Republican but was not elected to a second term. Following Robinson was a long line of Republican Governors, which held the governor's seat until 1883. Other political parties that have held office in Kansas include the Democratic and Populist parties. Populist governors served in office in both 1893 and 1897.

Republican governors dominate the political landscape in Kansas, winning the overwhelming majority of elections. Still, some Democratic governors hold office, with the most recent being Mark Parkinson in 2010 and the current governor of Kansas. In total, there have been 48 governors in Kansas, and 34 of the governors have been representatives of the Republican Party.

Current Kansas Governor

The current governor of Kansas is Laura Kelly, who was elected to the position in 2019. Kelly serves as a representative of the Democratic Party. Laura Kelly is the second woman to serve as governor of Kansas and she beat a Republican for the position. Before the election, she served in the Kansas Senate.

Current Governor
Laura Kelly
Governor Since
Jan 14, 2019
# of Governors Since Statehood

Which party is the current governor of Kansas?

The current governor of Kansas is Laura Kelly, a Democrat.

How many governors has Kansas had?

There have been 48 governors of Kansas, 12 Democrats, 34 Republicans, and 2 from other parties.

When was the last Democratic governor in Kansas?

The last Democratic governor in Kansas is Laura Kelly, who has served from 2019 to the present day.

When was the last Republican governor in Kansas?

The last Republican governor in Kansas was Jeff Colyer, who served from 2018 to 2019.

Frequently Asked Questions