Governors of Texas

Term Start
Term End
Greg AbbottJan 20, 2015-Republican
Rick PerryDec 21, 2000Jan 20, 2015Republican
George W. BushJan 17, 1995Dec 21, 2000Republican
Ann RichardsJan 15, 1991Jan 17, 1995Democratic
Bill ClementsJan 20, 1987Jan 15, 1991Republican
Mark WhiteJan 18, 1983Jan 20, 1987Democratic
Bill ClementsJan 16, 1979Jan 18, 1983Republican
Dolph BriscoeJan 16, 1973Jan 16, 1979Democratic
Preston SmithJan 21, 1969Jan 16, 1973Democratic
John ConnallyJan 15, 1963Jan 21, 1969Democratic
Price DanielJan 15, 1957Jan 15, 1963Democratic
Allan ShiversJul 11, 1949Jan 15, 1957Democratic
Beauford H. JesterJan 21, 1947Jul 11, 1949Democratic
Coke R. StevensonAug 4, 1941Jan 21, 1947Democratic
Wilbert Lee "Pappy" O'DanielJan 17, 1939Aug 4, 1941Democratic
James V. AllredJan 15, 1935Jan 17, 1939Democratic
Miriam A. "Ma" FergusonJan 17, 1933Jan 15, 1935Democratic
Ross S. SterlingJan 20, 1931Jan 17, 1933Democratic
Dan MoodyJan 18, 1927Jan 20, 1931Democratic
Miriam A. "Ma" FergusonJan 20, 1925Jan 18, 1927Democratic
Pat Morris NeffJan 18, 1921Jan 20, 1925Democratic
William P. HobbyAug 25, 1917Jan 18, 1921Democratic
James E. "Pa" FergusonJan 19, 1915Aug 25, 1917Democratic
Oscar Branch ColquittJan 17, 1911Jan 19, 1915Democratic
Thomas Mitchell CampbellJan 15, 1907Jan 17, 1911Democratic
S. W. T. LanhamJan 20, 1903Jan 15, 1907Democratic
Joseph D. SayersJan 17, 1899Jan 20, 1903Democratic
Charles A. CulbersonJan 15, 1895Jan 17, 1899Democratic
Jim HoggJan 20, 1891Jan 15, 1895Democratic
Lawrence Sullivan "Sul" RossJan 18, 1887Jan 20, 1891Democratic
John IrelandJan 16, 1883Jan 18, 1887Democratic
Oran Milo RobertsJan 21, 1879Jan 16, 1883Democratic
Richard B. HubbardDec 1, 1876Jan 21, 1879Democratic
Richard CokeJan 15, 1874Dec 1, 1876Democratic
Edmund J. DavisJan 8, 1870Jan 15, 1874Republican
Elisha M. PeaseAug 8, 1867Sep 30, 1869Republican
James W. ThrockmortonAug 9, 1866Aug 8, 1867Democratic
Andrew Jackson HamiltonJun 16, 1865Aug 9, 1866Democratic-Military
Fletcher Summerfield StockdaleJun 11, 1865Jun 16, 1865Military
Pendleton MurrahNov 5, 1863Jun 17, 1865Democratic
Francis LubbockNov 7, 1861Nov 5, 1863Democratic
Edward ClarkMar 16, 1861Nov 7, 1861Democratic
Sam HoustonDec 21, 1859Mar 16, 1861Independent
Hardin R. RunnelsDec 21, 1857Dec 21, 1859Democratic
Elisha M. PeaseDec 21, 1853Dec 21, 1857Unionist
James W. HendersonNov 23, 1853Dec 21, 1853Democratic
Peter Hansborough BellDec 21, 1849Nov 23, 1853Democratic
George T. WoodDec 21, 1847Dec 21, 1849Democratic
James Pinckney HendersonFeb 19, 1846Dec 21, 1847Democratic
showing: 49 rows

Texas is located in the Deep South, and it is considered to be a Republican stronghold. This is reflected in its recent governors, with the current governor, Greg Abbott, being a member of the Republican party as well. Greg Abbott has been the governor of Texas since 2015. He is the 46th governor of Texas since Texas joined the United States. Greg Abbott is a staunch conservative and is known for his strict adherence to deep conservative principles. This has been reflected as he has addressed a number of significant issues during his time in the governor's office.

When Was Rick Perry the Governor of Texas?

Prior to Greg Abbott taking office in 2015, Rick Perry was the governor of Texas. A man with deep connections to oil, a significant industry in Texas, he took over as governor in 2000. He served as the governor of Texas until 2015. After that, Rick Perry continued his political career, as he tried to run for president of the United States. He did not make it out of the primaries, but he did serve in the Federal Government after leaving the governor’s office.

Who Was the First Governor of Texas?

Texas was admitted to the United States shortly after the conclusion of the Mexican-American War. The very first governor of Texas took office in 1846. That was James Pinckney Henderson, and he served as the governor of Texas for almost two years. After that, he was succeeded by George T. Wood, who served from 1847 to 1849. Now, the governor of Texas serves a four-year term. Rick Perry is the longest-serving governor in the history of Texas, serving as the governor for close to 15 years. Prior to Perry, most of the recent governors only served as the governor for four years.

Current Governor
Greg Abbott
Governor Since
Jan 20, 2015
# of Governors Since Statehood

Which party is the current governor of Texas?

The current governor of Texas is Greg Abbott, a Republican.

How many governors has Texas had?

There have been 46 governors of Texas, 37 Democrats, 6 Republicans, and 4 from other parties.

When was the last Republican governor in Texas?

The last Republican governor in Texas is Greg Abbott, who has served from 2015 to the present day.

When was the last Democrat governor in Texas?

The last Democrat governor in Texas was Ann Richards, who served from 1991 to 1995.

Frequently Asked Questions