Governors of Vermont

Term Start
Term End
Phil ScottJan 5, 2017-Republican
Peter ShumlinJan 6, 2011Jan 5, 2017Democratic
Jim DouglasJan 9, 2003Jan 6, 2011Republican
Howard DeanAug 13, 1991Jan 9, 2003Democratic
Richard A. SnellingJan 10, 1991Aug 13, 1991Republican
Madeleine KuninJan 10, 1985Jan 10, 1991Democratic
Richard A. SnellingJan 6, 1977Jan 10, 1985Republican
Thomas P. SalmonJan 4, 1973Jan 6, 1977Democratic
Deane C. DavisJan 9, 1969Jan 4, 1973Republican
Philip H. HoffJan 10, 1963Jan 9, 1969Democratic
F. Ray Keyser Jr.Jan 5, 1961Jan 10, 1963Republican
Robert T. StaffordJan 8, 1959Jan 5, 1961Republican
Joseph B. JohnsonJan 6, 1955Jan 8, 1959Republican
Lee E. EmersonJan 4, 1951Jan 6, 1955Republican
Harold J. ArthurJan 16, 1950Jan 4, 1951Republican
Ernest W. Gibson Jr.Jan 9, 1947Jan 16, 1950Republican
Mortimer R. ProctorJan 4, 1945Jan 9, 1947Republican
William H. WillsJan 9, 1941Jan 4, 1945Republican
George David AikenJan 7, 1937Jan 9, 1941Republican
Charles M. SmithJan 10, 1935Jan 7, 1937Republican
Stanley C. WilsonJan 8, 1931Jan 10, 1935Republican
John E. WeeksJan 6, 1927Jan 8, 1931Republican
Franklin S. BillingsJan 8, 1925Jan 6, 1927Republican
Redfield Proctor Jr.Jan 4, 1923Jan 8, 1925Republican
James HartnessJan 6, 1921Jan 4, 1923Republican
Percival W. ClementJan 9, 1919Jan 6, 1921Republican
Horace F. GrahamJan 4, 1917Jan 9, 1919Republican
Charles W. GatesJan 7, 1915Jan 4, 1917Republican
Allen M. FletcherOct 3, 1912Jan 7, 1915Republican
John A. MeadOct 5, 1910Oct 3, 1912Republican
George H. ProutyOct 8, 1908Oct 5, 1910Republican
Fletcher D. ProctorOct 4, 1906Oct 8, 1908Republican
Charles J. BellOct 6, 1904Oct 4, 1906Republican
John G. McCulloughOct 3, 1902Oct 6, 1904Republican
William W. StickneyOct 4, 1900Oct 3, 1902Republican
Edward C. SmithOct 6, 1898Oct 4, 1900Republican
Josiah GroutOct 8, 1896Oct 6, 1898Republican
Urban A. WoodburyOct 4, 1894Oct 8, 1896Republican
Levi K. FullerOct 6, 1892Oct 4, 1894Republican
Carroll S. PageOct 2, 1890Oct 6, 1892Republican
William P. DillinghamOct 4, 1888Oct 2, 1890Republican
Ebenezer J. OrmsbeeOct 7, 1886Oct 4, 1888Republican
Samuel E. PingreeOct 2, 1884Oct 7, 1886Republican
John L. BarstowOct 5, 1882Oct 2, 1884Republican
Roswell FarnhamOct 7, 1880Oct 5, 1882Republican
Redfield ProctorOct 3, 1878Oct 7, 1880Republican
Horace FairbanksOct 5, 1876Oct 3, 1878Republican
Asahel PeckOct 8, 1874Oct 5, 1876Republican
Julius ConverseOct 3, 1872Oct 8, 1874Republican
John W. StewartOct 6, 1870Oct 3, 1872Republican
George W. HendeeFeb 7, 1870Oct 6, 1870Republican
Peter T. WashburnOct 15, 1869Feb 7, 1870Republican
John B. PageOct 13, 1867Oct 15, 1869Republican
Paul DillinghamOct 13, 1865Oct 13, 1867Republican
J. Gregory SmithOct 9, 1863Oct 13, 1865Republican
Frederick HolbrookOct 11, 1861Oct 9, 1863Republican
Erastus FairbanksOct 12, 1860Oct 11, 1861Republican
Hiland HallOct 10, 1858Oct 12, 1860Republican
Ryland FletcherOct 10, 1856Oct 10, 1858Republican
Stephen RoyceOct 13, 1854Oct 10, 1856Whig (1st term)
John S. RobinsonOct 27, 1853Oct 13, 1854Democratic
Erastus FairbanksOct 10, 1852Oct 27, 1853Whig
Charles K. WilliamsOct 11, 1850Oct 10, 1852Whig
Carlos CoolidgeOct 11, 1848Oct 11, 1850Whig
Horace EatonOct 9, 1846Oct 11, 1848Whig
William SladeOct 11, 1844Oct 9, 1846Whig
John MattocksOct 13, 1843Oct 11, 1844Whig
Charles PaineOct 15, 1841Oct 13, 1843Whig
Silas H. JennisonNov 2, 1835Oct 15, 1841Whig
William A. PalmerOct 18, 1831Nov 2, 1835Anti-Masonic
Samuel C. CraftsOct 10, 1828Oct 18, 1831National Republican
Ezra ButlerOct 13, 1826Oct 10, 1828National Republican
Cornelius P. Van NessOct 10, 1823Oct 13, 1826Democratic-Republican
Richard SkinnerOct 23, 1820Oct 10, 1823Democratic-Republican
Jonas GalushaOct 14, 1815Oct 23, 1820Democratic-Republican
Martin ChittendenOct 23, 1813Oct 14, 1815Federalist
Jonas GalushaOct 14, 1809Oct 23, 1813Democratic-Republican
Isaac TichenorOct 14, 1808Oct 14, 1809Federalist
Israel SmithOct 9, 1807Oct 14, 1808Democratic-Republican
Isaac TichenorOct 16, 1797Oct 9, 1807Federalist
Paul BrighamAug 25, 1797Oct 16, 1797Democratic-Republican
Thomas ChittendenOct 1, 1790Aug 25, 1797Independent
showing: 82 rows

Vermont is one of the oldest states in the country. It is located in the northeastern United States, and it has plenty of farmland and strong businesses. Because Vermont occupies such an important part of the country, many people are wondering who the governor of Vermont is. Who is the current governor of Vermont, and what are some of the issues that he or she has had to face? Even though Vermont is known for its maple syrup, it also plays an important political role in the United States.

The Current Governor of Vermont Is Phil Scott

The current governor of Vermont is Phil Scott. He took over the role of governor of Vermont in 2017. He is a member of the Republican party, and he has had to deal with a number of significant issues during the past few years. Without a doubt, the most important issue facing Vermont is the coronavirus pandemic. Phil Scott has largely been responsible for coordinating the response of the state to the pandemic, and overall he has very high approval ratings. Even though there are other issues that he has had to deal with, the pandemic has been the biggest problem.

The History of Vermont Governors

The very first leader of Vermont was Thomas Chittenden. He took over as the leader of Vermont in 1778, and he left office in 1789. He was also the leader of the independent republic of Vermont before the territory joined the United States. Vermont became a state in 1790, and Thomas Chittenden took over as the leader of Vermont once again. Since that time, the vast majority of Vermont governors have been members of the Republican Party. Even though power has changed hands several times, the Republican party has been in the governor's office for the majority of the time.

Current Governor
Phil Scott
Governor Since
Jan 5, 2017
# of Governors Since Statehood

Which party is the current governor of Vermont?

The current governor of Vermont is Phil Scott, a Republican.

How many governors has Vermont had?

There have been 78 governors of Vermont, 6 Democrats, 53 Republicans, and 20 from other parties.

When was the last Republican governor in Vermont?

The last Republican governor in Vermont is Phil Scott, who has served from 2017 to the present day.

When was the last Democrat governor in Vermont?

The last Democrat governor in Vermont was Peter Shumlin, who served from 2011 to 2017.

Frequently Asked Questions