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Credit Rating by Country 2024

There are several countries in the world that have very high credit ratings. Of note, there are multiple organizations that provide credit ratings, so the credit ratings can vary by country and by the rating agency. In general, countries that are fully developed have higher credit ratings. For example, the United States generally has a credit rating of AAA, which is the highest credit rating a country can have. New line. There are several other countries in Europe and Asia that also have exceptional credit ratings. Some of the top examples include Australia, Canada, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, and Hong Kong. These are all countries that generally carry a credit rating of AAA.

What Is the Lowest Credit Rating a Country Can Have?

There are several particularly low credit ratings that a company can receive. There are some companies that rate certain countries as having a credit rating of “junk.” This is the same term used to refer to “junk” bonds, which means they are generally worthless. There are some credit ratings that use a formal rating of “SD,” which stands for selective default. This means that some countries choose not to pay back some of their bonds, which means that investors should think twice before purchasing them.

Aside from these ratings, the lowest credit rating that a country can receive is CCC. This is the only credit rating that is above “junk” or “SD,” and it is not a credit rating that a country should have.

Are There Countries That Default on Their Bonds?

Yes, there are some countries that have defaulted on their bonds. In general, these are countries that are still developing, so their economies are not yet strong enough to sustain some of the bonds they hand out. Some of the countries that have received an SD rating include Zambia, Venezuela, Suriname, Lebanon, Belize, Russia, and Sri Lanka. Of note, the Russian economy recently took a major hit because of the invasion of Ukraine. There are several other countries that have received a credit rating of CCC. They include Belarus, Ethiopia, Mozambique, the Congo, Argentina, and Angola. Credit ratings are reassessed from time to time, so these ratings can change from time to time as well.

Why Do Country Credit Ratings Matter?

There are several reasons why country credit ratings matter. First, they matter because they influence whether their population will buy their bonds or not. If a country has a low credit rating, it could be very hard for it to raise money. The other reason why country credit ratings matter is that they influence whether that country can receive loans from other countries. For example, if one country needs money, and may try to borrow money from that other country. If the country does not have a very high credit rating, it might have a hard time finding another country to loan it money because there is no guarantee the money will ever be paid back.

  • For S&P, a bond is considered investment grade if its credit rating is BBB? or higher. Bonds rated BB+ and below are considered to be speculative grade, sometimes also referred to as "junk" bonds. An SD rating indicates that the country has selectively defaulted on some outstanding obligations.
  • S&P (Standard & Poor's) is one of three main credit rating bodies, the other two being Moody's and Fitch.
  • Credit ratings utilize a three-digit system (with + and - subgrades) in which the best possible rating is AAA and the worst is D/SD (defaulted or bankrupt):
  • AAA (best)
  • AA
  • A
  • BBB
  • BB
  • B
  • CCC
  • CC
  • C
  • D/SD (worst)
showing: 133 rows

Which country has the best credit score?

The highest credit score for a nation is AAA. The United States, Denmark, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, Sweden, Hong Kong, and Norway all have this score.

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