Governors of New Mexico

Term Start
Term End
Michelle Lujan GrishamJan 1, 2019-Democratic
Susana MartinezJan 1, 2011Jan 1, 2019Republican
Bill RichardsonJan 1, 2003Jan 1, 2011Democratic
Gary JohnsonJan 1, 1995Jan 1, 2003Republican
Bruce KingJan 1, 1991Jan 1, 1995Democratic
Garrey CarruthersJan 1, 1987Jan 1, 1991Republican
Toney AnayaJan 1, 1983Jan 1, 1987Democratic
Bruce KingJan 1, 1979Jan 1, 1983Democratic
Jerry ApodacaJan 1, 1975Jan 1, 1979Democratic
Bruce KingJan 1, 1971Jan 1, 1975Democratic
David CargoJan 1, 1967Jan 1, 1971Republican
Jack M. CampbellJan 1, 1963Jan 1, 1967Democratic
Tom BolackNov 30, 1962Jan 1, 1963Republican
Edwin L. MechemJan 1, 1961Nov 30, 1962Republican
John BurroughsJan 1, 1959Jan 1, 1961Democratic
Edwin L. MechemJan 1, 1957Jan 1, 1959Republican
John F. SimmsJan 1, 1955Jan 1, 1957Democratic
Edwin L. MechemJan 1, 1951Jan 1, 1955Republican
Thomas J. MabryJan 1, 1947Jan 1, 1951Democratic
John J. DempseyJan 1, 1943Jan 1, 1947Democratic
John E. MilesJan 1, 1939Jan 1, 1943Democratic
Clyde TingleyJan 1, 1935Jan 1, 1939Democratic
Andrew W. HockenhullSep 25, 1933Jan 1, 1935Democratic
Arthur SeligmanJan 1, 1931Sep 25, 1933Democratic
Richard C. DillonJan 1, 1927Jan 1, 1931Republican
Arthur T. HannettJan 1, 1925Jan 1, 1927Democratic
James F. HinkleJan 1, 1923Jan 1, 1925Democratic
Merritt C. MechemJan 1, 1921Jan 1, 1923Republican
Octaviano LarrazoloJan 1, 1919Jan 1, 1921Republican
Washington LindseyFeb 18, 1917Jan 1, 1919Republican
Ezequiel Cabeza De BacaJan 1, 1917Feb 18, 1917Democratic
William C. McDonaldJan 14, 1912Jan 1, 1917Democratic
showing: 32 rows

Who Is the Current Governor of New Mexico?

New Mexico governors have a storied history, and it is one that the 32nd and current governor Michelle Lujan Grisham surely wouldn't mind following. Serving as the state's leader since 2019, Democrat Lujan Grisham won reelection after her first term in New Mexico's highest office. The former U.S. Representative also undoubtedly wouldn't mind seeing the former Democratic-controlled State (from 1971 to 1987) become so again. Dubbed the Land of Enchantment, largely because of its scenic and vast landscapes, New Mexico is now home to more than two million people. For New Mexico governors, that is potentially two million votes and people who will be impacted by the State's leadership.

To date, the leadership of New Mexico has the state heading in a positive direction. It is also worth noting that as the state continues to grow, so does the influence of New Mexico governors and other state representatives. How that will impact the future of this still wide-open state is yet to be seen, but New Mexico governors will be in a position to take the lead.

Who Was New Mexico's First Governor?

The first governor of New Mexico was William Calhoun McDonald. The Democrat served from 1912-1917. Interestingly enough, the state of New Mexico had three different governors during 1917. McDonald was followed by Ezequiel Cabeza De Baca, who held office for only about six weeks. De Baca became seriously ill and died only six weeks after his inauguration. Washington Ellsworth Lindsey was sworn in the following day and served as the state's governor until 1919.

Who Was the Last Republican Governor?

Before current governor Grisham, the governor of New Mexico was Republican Susana Martinez who held the office from 2011 to 2019. The two governors before Martinez-- Democrat Bill Richardson and Republican Gary E. Johnson-- also served for eight-year terms. While there is a fairly balanced split between Democratic and Republican leadership in the recent past, New Mexico only had four Republican governors from 1912 to 1961. The other twelve governors during that time period were all Republican.

Current Governor
Michelle Lujan Grisham
Governor Since
Jan 1, 2019
# of Governors Since Statehood

Which party is the current governor of New Mexico?

The current governor of New Mexico is Michelle Lujan Grisham, a Democrat.

How many governors has New Mexico had?

There have been 28 governors of New Mexico, 18 Democrats, 10 Republicans, and 0 from other parties.

When was the last Democratic governor in New Mexico?

The last Democratic governor in New Mexico is Michelle Lujan Grisham, who has served from 2019 to the present day.

When was the last Republican governor in New Mexico?

The last Republican governor in New Mexico was Susana Martinez, who served from 2011 to 2019.

Frequently Asked Questions