The estimated number of humans on the planet stands at around 7.6 billion. Both China and India have a billion citizens a piece.
With over 1.3 people, China is the most highly populated nation in the world. However, it isn’t the largest city by size.
China has over 102 cities with a population of at least a million and another ten cities with communes with over ten million citizens.
Megacities were created in China to handle the increasing urban population, including Guangzhou (pop. 44,294,245), Shenzhen, Tianjin, Chongqing (pop. 25,165,500), Beijing (pop. 22,500,000), and Shanghai (pop. 35,965,403).
India is second in terms of country population and the seventh-largest country by land area.
Brazil is fifth in both land size and overall population. Two hundred fifty-eight million people live in Brazil, with almost 87% living in urban areas.
Although Brazil has over three hundred urban regions, only sixteen cities have over a million residents. The most highly populated city in Brazil is São Paulo (pop. 12,038,175), followed by Rio de Janeiro (pop. 6,498,837), Brasilia, Salvator, and Fortaleza.
Russia has fifteen cities with over one million citizens. Moscow (pop. 13 million) and Saint Petersburg (pop. 5.6 million are the largest cities in Russia by population.
Japan has 103 cities that makeup nearly 64 million of all its citizens. The most populated city in Japan is Tokyo at 9.7 million people, followed by Yokohama (pop. 3.7 million), Osaka (pop. 2,670,000), Nagoya (pop. 2,266,000), and Sapporo (pop.1,906,000).
Jakarta is the only megacity with over ten million residents.in Indonesia and is the fourteenth most populated city in the world. Other large cities in Indonesia include Surabaya (pop. 2.87 million), Bekasi (pop. 2.54 million), and Bandung (pop. 2.44 million).
Pakistan has ten cities with over a million people. Peshawar is the largest city in Pakistan, with over 2 million residents, followed by Multan (pop. 1.8 million) and Quetta (pop. 1 million).