Africa has a wide variety of last names. Because Africa has had a wide variety of cultural influences over the years, its last names can vary widely, and many people in Africa can trace their last name to another continent. For example, in Algeria, the most common last name is Saidi. This is very different when compared to Egypt, where the most common last name is Mohamed.
Then, when moving into southern Africa, last names can be very different. For example, the most common last name in South Africa is Nkosi, while the most common last name in the movie is Johannes. Then, in Somalia, the most common last name is Ali.
Last names can also vary significantly in Asia. India, China, Japan, and Russia are all very different places, so it should come as no surprise that last names can vary widely as well. For example, the most common last name in Russia is Ivanova. Then, in China, the most common last name is Wang. In both North Korea and South Korea, the most common last name is Kim, while the most common last name in India is Devi. In Taiwan, the most common last name is Chen, while the most common last name in Japan is Sato. Last names in Asia are often a reflection of cultural norms and customs that have developed over the past few thousand years.
Given that Europe is a cultural melting pot, it should come as no surprise that last names can vary significantly as well. For example, in Spain, the most common last name is Garcia, while the most common last name in Italy is Rossi. In the United Kingdom, the most common last name is Smith, which has spread to numerous other parts of the world as well. In Germany, the most common last name is Muller, which is the same as the most common last name in Switzerland. In Austria, the most common last name is Gruber, while the most common last name in France is Martin.
North America does not have nearly as much diversity in terms of last names when compared to other countries in the world. In both Canada and the United States, the most common last name is Smith, which is the same as the most common last name in the United Kingdom. In Mexico, the most common last name is Hernandez, which is the same as the most common last name in El Salvador. In Cuba, the most common last name is Rodriguez, which is the same as the most common last name in Costa Rica and Panama. Some of the other most common last names in North America include Martinez, Brown, Joseph, and Clarke. Many of these are reflections of the European powers that used to hold these territories as colonies.