Maternity Leave by Country 2025

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Maternity Leave (Weeks)








58.4 Weeks

49.0 Weeks

43.0 Weeks

39.0 Weeks

34.0 Weeks

Maternity Leave (Weeks)
Maternity Leave Pay Rate
Payment Source and Details
Bulgaria58.4Social SecurityFull
Norway49.0Social Security - another option is 59 weeks at 80% payFull
Greece43.0Social Security - 17 weeks are paid at 100%, the rest is 75% wagesPartially Paid
United Kingdom39.0Social Security - The U.K. offers up to 52 weeks of maternity leave, with the first 39 weeks being paid. The first 6 weeks are paid at 90% of the employee's salary, followed by 33 weeks at a flat rate of £184.03 or 90% of their average weekly earnings (whichever is lower).Full
North Korea34.0Social SecurityFull
Slovakia34.0Social Security75% of Wages
Croatia30.0Social SecurityFull
Czech Republic28.0Social Security70% of Wages
Ireland26.0Social Security - 70* or fixed ratePartially Paid
New Zealand26.0Social SecurityFull
Iceland26.0Social Security80% of Wages
Hungary24.0Social SecurityFull
Italy21.0Social Security80% of Wages
Russia20.0Social SecurityFull
Poland20.0Social SecurityFull
Canada18.055% of the employee's salary for up to 12 months, or an extended option of 33% for up to 18 monthsPartially Paid
Ukraine18.0Social SecurityFull
Venezuela18.0Social SecurityFull
Chile18.0Social SecurityFull
Cuba18.0Social SecurityFull
Belarus18.0Social SecurityFull
Denmark18.0Social SecurityFull
Lithuania18.0Employer80% of Wages
Vietnam17.0Social SecurityFull
Costa Rica17.050% Employer / 50% S.S.Full
Turkey16.0Social Security66.7% of Wages
France16.0Social SecurityFull
Spain16.0Social SecurityFull
Romania16.0Social Security - 50% to 94%Partially Paid
Netherlands16.0Social SecurityFull
Austria16.0Social SecurityFull
Latvia16.0Social Security80% of Wages
Cyprus16.0Social Security75% of Wages
Luxembourg16.0Social SecurityFull
Philippines15.0Social SecurityFull
Belgium15.082% for 30 days, 75%* thereafter75% of Wages
Republic of the Congo15.050% Employer / 50% S.S.Full
Finland15.0Social Security80% of Wages
Mongolia14.3Social Insurance FundFull
Estonia14.3Social SecurityFull
Japan14.0Social Security or health insurance60% of Wages
DR Congo14.0Employer67% of Wages ceiling; employer pays differenceFull
Myanmar14.0Social SecurityFull
Algeria14.0Social SecurityFull
Malaysia14.0Social SecurityFull
Madagascar14.050% Employer / 50% S.S.Full
Ivory Coast14.0Social SecurityFull
Cameroon14.0Social SecurityFull
Niger14.0Social Security50% of Wages
Mali14.0Social SecurityFull
Burkina Faso14.0S.S. & EmployerFull
Chad14.0Social Security50% of Wages
Somalia14.0Employer50% of Wages
Senegal14.0Social SecurityFull
Guinea14.050% Employer / 50% S.S.Full
Benin14.0Social SecurityFull
Sweden14.0Social Security - 450 days paid parental leave: 75%, 360 days; 90 days, flat ratePartially Paid
Togo14.050% Employer / 50% S.S.Full
Israel14.0Social SecurityFull
Central African Republic14.0Social Security50% of Wages
Mauritania14.0Social SecurityFull
Panama14.0Social SecurityFull
Gabon14.0Social SecurityFull
Djibouti14.0S.S. & Employer; 100% for public employees50% of Wages
Seychelles14.0Social Security - flat rate for 10 weeksPartially Paid
Trinidad and Tobago13.0S.S./Employer - 60% to 100%Partially Paid
Guyana13.0Social Security70% of Wages
Malta13.0Social SecurityFull
Saint Lucia13.0Social Security65% of Wages
Grenada13.0S.S. / Employer - 100% (2 months), 60% for 3rd monthPartially Paid
Antigua and Barbuda13.0S.S. and possible employer supplement60% of Wages
Iran12.6Social Security - 66.7Partially Paid
Thailand12.6100 for 45 days then 50% for 15 days; Employer for 45 days, then Social SecurityPartially Paid
Argentina12.6Social SecurityFull
Peru12.6Social SecurityFull
Cambodia12.6Employer50% of Wages
Zimbabwe12.6Employer - 60% or 75%Partially Paid
South Sudan12.6Full
Laos12.6Social SecurityFull
India12.0Employer / S.S.Full
United States12.0None
Nigeria12.0Employer50% of Wages
Mexico12.0Social SecurityFull
South Africa12.0Unemployment Insurance45% of Wages
Morocco12.0Social SecurityFull
Ghana12.0Employer50% of Wages
Australia12.0Social SecurityPartially Paid
Sri Lanka12.0EmployerFull
Guatemala12.033% Employer / 67% S.S.Full
Ecuador12.025% Employer / 75% S.S.Full
Rwanda12.0Employer67% of Wages
Burundi12.0Employer50% of Wages
Haiti12.0Employer - 100% for 6 weeksPartially Paid
Dominican Republic12.050% Employer / 50% S.S.Full
Paraguay12.0Social Security - 50 for 9 weeks50% of Wages
Nicaragua12.0Social Security60% of Wages
El Salvador12.0Social Security75% of Wages
Uruguay12.0Social SecurityFull
Namibia12.0Social Security - civil servants 100%; N$13 000 per monthPartially Paid
Jamaica12.0Employer - 100 for 8 weeksPartially Paid
Botswana12.0Employer25% of Wages
Equatorial Guinea12.0Social Security75% of Wages
Eswatini12.02 weeks are paid.None
Fiji12.0Employer - Flat ratePartially Paid
Solomon Islands12.0Employer25% of Wages
Belize12.0Social Security80% of Wages
Barbados12.0Social SecurityFull
Dominica12.0S.S. & Employer60% of Wages
American Samoa12.0Partially Paid
Saudi Arabia10.0Employer - 50% or 100%Partially Paid
Honduras10.033% Employer / 67% S.S.Full
Sao Tome and Principe10.0Social SecurityFull
Iraq8.6Social SecurityFull
South Korea8.4EmployerFull
Bolivia8.4Minimum wage + 70% of earnings above the minimum wagePartially Paid
Guinea Bissau8.4Employer / S.S.Full
Uganda8.0Employer - 100% for one monthPartially Paid
Bahamas8.040% Employer / 60% S.S.Full
Liechtenstein8.0Social Security80% of Wages
Egypt7.0S.S. & EmployerFull
Libya7.0Employer50% of Wages
Qatar7.0Full pay for the first two weeks and half for the next four weeksPartially Paid
United Arab Emirates6.3EmployerFull
Papua New Guinea6.0None
Portugal6.0Social SecurityFull
Tunisia4.2Social Security67% of Wages
  • “Fully Paid” means that there is a legal obligation to provide maternity leave pay, regardless of whether the payment is made by the government, social security, or the employer. This ensures that the employee receives full compensation during the leave period as stipulated by law.
  • “Partially Paid” means that a government or official body provides financial support, such as a minimum wage or a portion of regular income, for part or the entire duration of maternity leave.