Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
44657 | Minerva | 9,682 |
44615 | Carrollton | 9,559 |
44644 | Malvern | 4,639 |
44643 | Magnolia | 3,635 |
44675 | Sherrodsville | 2,245 |
43903 | Amsterdam | 2,127 |
44620 | Dellroy | 1,661 |
44427 | Kensington | 1,612 |
44695 | Bowerston | 1,371 |
44651 | Mechanicstown | 1,026 |
44639 | Leesville | 271 |
44607 | Augusta | 97 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 12 ZCTAs in Carroll County, Ohio (US Census).