Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
44240 | Kent | 38,208 |
44266 | Ravenna | 32,530 |
44202 | Aurora | 22,106 |
44241 | Streetsboro | 18,161 |
44260 | Mogadore | 13,037 |
44231 | Garrettsville | 8,831 |
44255 | Mantua | 6,959 |
44201 | Atwater | 6,956 |
44272 | Rootstown | 5,468 |
44243 | Kent | 4,996 |
44234 | Hiram | 3,838 |
44288 | Windham | 3,263 |
44412 | Diamond | 2,866 |
44411 | Deerfield | 2,119 |
44285 | Wayland | 92 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 15 ZCTAs in Portage County, Ohio (US Census).