Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
45750 | Marietta | 26,250 |
45714 | Belpre | 9,167 |
45742 | Little Hocking | 3,335 |
45784 | Vincent | 3,250 |
45786 | Waterford | 2,854 |
45767 | New Matamoras | 2,598 |
45744 | Lowell | 2,234 |
45724 | Cutler | 2,190 |
45729 | Fleming | 2,111 |
45768 | Newport | 1,567 |
45788 | Whipple | 975 |
45773 | Reno | 533 |
45746 | Macksburg | 373 |
45789 | Wingett Run | 146 |
45721 | Coal Run | 23 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 15 ZCTAs in Washington County, Ohio (US Census).