Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
45769 | Pomeroy | 5,877 |
45710 | Albany | 5,093 |
45760 | Middleport | 3,734 |
45771 | Racine | 3,428 |
45775 | Rutland | 2,123 |
45772 | Reedsville | 1,533 |
45743 | Long Bottom | 1,336 |
45770 | Portland | 854 |
45776 | Shade | 669 |
45779 | Syracuse | 644 |
45741 | Langsville | 552 |
45783 | Tuppers Plains | 288 |
45720 | Chester | 0 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 13 ZCTAs in Meigs County, Ohio (US Census).