Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
44224 | Stow | 38,715 |
44203 | Barberton | 38,714 |
44312 | Akron | 30,508 |
44221 | Cuyahoga Falls | 29,677 |
44685 | Uniontown | 28,875 |
44313 | Akron | 27,797 |
44236 | Hudson | 26,269 |
44310 | Akron | 24,892 |
44087 | Twinsburg | 22,351 |
44319 | Akron | 22,196 |
44306 | Akron | 21,301 |
44305 | Akron | 21,206 |
44067 | Northfield | 19,987 |
44333 | Akron | 19,315 |
44278 | Tallmadge | 18,584 |
44223 | Cuyahoga Falls | 18,388 |
44320 | Akron | 17,786 |
44314 | Akron | 17,646 |
44321 | Akron | 15,932 |
44301 | Akron | 14,363 |
44056 | Macedonia | 12,126 |
44216 | Clinton | 9,145 |
44303 | Akron | 7,755 |
44311 | Akron | 7,377 |
44286 | Richfield | 6,421 |
44307 | Akron | 5,784 |
44302 | Akron | 5,043 |
44262 | Munroe Falls | 4,966 |
44304 | Akron | 3,592 |
44264 | Peninsula | 3,281 |
44250 | Lakemore | 1,576 |
44308 | Akron | 1,449 |
44325 | Akron | 774 |
44232 | Green | 0 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 34 ZCTAs in Summit County, Ohio (US Census).