Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
44035 | Elyria | 62,050 |
44039 | North Ridgeville | 35,625 |
44052 | Lorain | 28,264 |
44012 | Avon Lake | 25,220 |
44011 | Avon | 24,822 |
44001 | Amherst | 20,982 |
44053 | Lorain | 20,973 |
44055 | Lorain | 19,775 |
44044 | Grafton | 14,629 |
44054 | Sheffield Lake | 12,649 |
44074 | Oberlin | 11,727 |
44090 | Wellington | 11,095 |
44028 | Columbia Station | 9,249 |
44050 | Lagrange | 6,985 |
44049 | Kipton | 190 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 15 ZCTAs in Lorain County, Ohio (US Census).