Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
43952 | Steubenville | 17,412 |
43953 | Steubenville | 12,047 |
43964 | Toronto | 9,199 |
43938 | Mingo Junction | 5,868 |
43910 | Bloomingdale | 3,283 |
43943 | Rayland | 3,180 |
43917 | Dillonvale | 2,850 |
43944 | Richmond | 2,538 |
43901 | Adena | 1,907 |
43963 | Tiltonsville | 1,309 |
43930 | Hammondsville | 1,250 |
43913 | Brilliant | 1,068 |
43908 | Bergholz | 1,038 |
43971 | Yorkville | 970 |
43932 | Irondale | 920 |
43948 | Smithfield | 682 |
43939 | Mount Pleasant | 291 |
43961 | Stratton | 239 |
43926 | Empire | 237 |
43925 | East Springfield | 86 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 20 ZCTAs in Jefferson County, Ohio (US Census).