Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
43725 | Cambridge | 19,662 |
43723 | Byesville | 4,412 |
43773 | Quaker City | 2,772 |
43780 | Senecaville | 2,165 |
43749 | Kimbolton | 2,153 |
43732 | Cumberland | 1,701 |
43778 | Salesville | 1,511 |
43755 | Lore City | 1,417 |
43722 | Buffalo | 782 |
43768 | Old Washington | 469 |
43750 | Kipling | 141 |
43733 | Derwent | 68 |
43736 | Fairview | 12 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 13 ZCTAs in Guernsey County, Ohio (US Census).