Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
43551 | Perrysburg | 42,914 |
43402 | Bowling Green | 31,472 |
43619 | Northwood | 7,316 |
43460 | Rossford | 6,225 |
43465 | Walbridge | 5,600 |
45872 | North Baltimore | 4,462 |
43403 | Bowling Green | 4,344 |
43522 | Grand Rapids | 3,986 |
43450 | Pemberville | 3,681 |
43447 | Millbury | 3,140 |
43569 | Weston | 2,823 |
43466 | Wayne | 2,735 |
43406 | Bradner | 1,620 |
43443 | Luckey | 1,609 |
44817 | Bloomdale | 1,301 |
43457 | Risingsun | 1,281 |
43525 | Haskins | 1,176 |
43451 | Portage | 1,125 |
43511 | Custar | 1,114 |
43462 | Rudolph | 985 |
43413 | Cygnet | 951 |
43463 | Stony Ridge | 536 |
43437 | Jerry City | 535 |
43565 | Tontogany | 380 |
43529 | Hoytville | 368 |
43541 | Milton Center | 188 |
43414 | Dunbridge | 177 |
43467 | West Millgrove | 110 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 28 ZCTAs in Wood County, Ohio (US Census).