Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
44512 | Youngstown | 32,821 |
44515 | Youngstown | 27,543 |
44514 | Youngstown | 23,391 |
44406 | Canfield | 22,101 |
44511 | Youngstown | 19,354 |
44505 | Youngstown | 16,534 |
44509 | Youngstown | 11,044 |
44471 | Struthers | 10,383 |
44502 | Youngstown | 9,043 |
44405 | Campbell | 7,841 |
44504 | Youngstown | 5,165 |
44672 | Sebring | 4,781 |
44507 | Youngstown | 4,761 |
44442 | New Middletown | 3,864 |
44436 | Lowellville | 3,348 |
44609 | Beloit | 3,267 |
44451 | North Jackson | 2,993 |
44452 | North Lima | 2,984 |
44401 | Berlin Center | 2,716 |
44506 | Youngstown | 2,489 |
44429 | Lake Milton | 2,353 |
44510 | Youngstown | 2,064 |
44443 | New Springfield | 2,062 |
44449 | North Benton | 1,526 |
44503 | Youngstown | 960 |
44454 | Petersburg | 639 |
44555 | Youngstown | 177 |
44619 | Damascus | 121 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 28 ZCTAs in Mahoning County, Ohio (US Census).