Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
45140 | Loveland | 55,364 |
45103 | Batavia | 35,908 |
45150 | Milford | 33,853 |
45102 | Amelia | 24,243 |
45245 | Cincinnati | 20,352 |
45122 | Goshen | 11,390 |
45106 | Bethel | 10,989 |
45176 | Williamsburg | 10,099 |
45157 | New Richmond | 9,857 |
45120 | Felicity | 2,739 |
45153 | Moscow | 2,362 |
45158 | Newtonsville | 783 |
45160 | Owensville | 619 |
45147 | Miamiville | 73 |
45156 | Neville | 59 |
45112 | Chilo | 15 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 16 ZCTAs in Clermont County, Ohio (US Census).