Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
43055 | Newark | 62,460 |
43062 | Pataskala | 31,566 |
43056 | Heath | 17,504 |
43023 | Granville | 15,256 |
43031 | Johnstown | 14,029 |
43025 | Hebron | 5,230 |
43080 | Utica | 5,123 |
43001 | Alexandria | 2,537 |
43008 | Buckeye Lake | 2,365 |
43071 | Saint Louisville | 2,269 |
43013 | Croton | 1,404 |
43033 | Kirkersville | 430 |
43721 | Brownsville | 359 |
43740 | Gratiot | 228 |
43027 | Homer | 200 |
43030 | Jacksontown | 195 |
43018 | Etna | 83 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 17 ZCTAs in Licking County, Ohio (US Census).