Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
44691 | Wooster | 44,775 |
44667 | Orrville | 13,414 |
44270 | Rittman | 8,245 |
44230 | Doylestown | 8,194 |
44606 | Apple Creek | 8,180 |
44287 | West Salem | 7,766 |
44618 | Dalton | 7,641 |
44676 | Shreve | 5,750 |
44217 | Creston | 3,538 |
44645 | Marshallville | 2,826 |
44677 | Smithville | 2,699 |
44214 | Burbank | 2,418 |
44276 | Sterling | 1,687 |
44659 | Mount Eaton | 119 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 14 ZCTAs in Wayne County, Ohio (US Census).