Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
45331 | Greenville | 22,027 |
45304 | Arcanum | 7,617 |
45380 | Versailles | 5,746 |
45308 | Bradford | 4,723 |
45390 | Union City | 3,341 |
45303 | Ansonia | 2,247 |
45346 | New Madison | 2,134 |
45362 | Rossburg | 1,054 |
45348 | New Weston | 888 |
45388 | Yorkshire | 820 |
45328 | Gettysburg | 574 |
45332 | Hollansburg | 490 |
45351 | Osgood | 325 |
45358 | Pitsburg | 323 |
45352 | Palestine | 207 |
45350 | North Star | 55 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 16 ZCTAs in Darke County, Ohio (US Census).