Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
43130 | Lancaster | 62,187 |
43147 | Pickerington | 46,058 |
43110 | Canal Winchester | 38,235 |
43105 | Baltimore | 9,129 |
43112 | Carroll | 4,879 |
43102 | Amanda | 4,038 |
43154 | Stoutsville | 3,482 |
43107 | Bremen | 3,305 |
43046 | Millersport | 3,165 |
43150 | Rushville | 2,544 |
43155 | Sugar Grove | 2,391 |
43136 | Lithopolis | 2,316 |
43148 | Pleasantville | 1,871 |
43157 | Thurston | 508 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 14 ZCTAs in Fairfield County, Ohio (US Census).