Zip Code | City | Population ↓ |
45662 | Portsmouth | 27,304 |
45694 | Wheelersburg | 12,530 |
45648 | Lucasville | 11,212 |
45663 | West Portsmouth | 6,389 |
45653 | Minford | 3,745 |
45652 | McDermott | 3,477 |
45629 | Franklin Furnace | 3,074 |
45682 | South Webster | 1,976 |
45657 | Otway | 1,482 |
45699 | Lucasville | 1,246 |
45630 | Friendship | 462 |
45671 | Rarden | 444 |
45636 | Haverhill | 223 |
45677 | Scioto Furnace | 51 |
The data shown reflect ZCTAs from the US Census. As of 2024, there are 14 ZCTAs in Scioto County, Ohio (US Census).