171 cities
City | Rank | Change ↓ | 2025 Pop. | 2020 Pop. |
Newport | 1 | 8.3% | 2,649 | 1,581 |
Morristown | 2 | 3.18% | 6,255 | 5,440 |
Morrisville | 3 | 2.3% | 2,444 | 2,168 |
Fairfax | 4 | 2.06% | 5,553 | 5,045 |
Cornwall | 5 | 1.48% | 1,303 | 1,209 |
Monkton | 6 | 1.46% | 2,223 | 2,076 |
South Burlington | 7 | 1.17% | 21,543 | 20,293 |
Lincoln | 8 | 1.09% | 1,389 | 1,331 |
Waitsfield | 9 | 1% | 1,913 | 1,835 |
Highgate | 10 | 0.97% | 3,634 | 3,469 |
Salisbury | 11 | 0.97% | 1,252 | 1,220 |
Marlboro | 12 | 0.9% | 1,798 | 1,725 |
Montgomery | 13 | 0.89% | 1,246 | 1,189 |
Fletcher | 14 | 0.86% | 1,405 | 1,353 |
Shoreham | 15 | 0.86% | 1,292 | 1,249 |
Westford | 16 | 0.85% | 2,123 | 2,069 |
Franklin | 17 | 0.84% | 1,432 | 1,369 |
Winooski | 18 | 0.83% | 8,389 | 8,044 |
Dover | 19 | 0.76% | 1,867 | 1,799 |
Essex Junction | 20 | 0.71% | 10,971 | 10,585 |
Fayston | 21 | 0.7% | 1,429 | 1,367 |
Ferrisburgh | 22 | 0.63% | 2,698 | 2,642 |
Shelburne | 23 | 0.63% | 8,022 | 7,719 |
Duxbury | 24 | 0.62% | 1,460 | 1,414 |
Cabot | 25 | 0.61% | 1,486 | 1,438 |
Londonderry | 26 | 0.57% | 1,953 | 1,917 |
Bridport | 27 | 0.56% | 1,248 | 1,225 |
Orange | 28 | 0.55% | 1,094 | 1,057 |
Fairfield | 29 | 0.54% | 2,057 | 1,996 |
Bakersfield | 30 | 0.53% | 1,316 | 1,281 |
Waterbury | 31 | 0.53% | 5,516 | 5,326 |
New Haven | 32 | 0.52% | 1,736 | 1,690 |
Whitingham | 33 | 0.51% | 1,370 | 1,339 |
Berkshire | 34 | 0.5% | 1,620 | 1,566 |
Corinth | 35 | 0.47% | 1,508 | 1,458 |
Wilmington | 36 | 0.44% | 2,294 | 2,251 |
Swanton | 37 | 0.42% | 2,405 | 2,354 |
Lyndon | 38 | 0.41% | 5,684 | 5,486 |
Lunenburg | 39 | 0.4% | 1,264 | 1,250 |
Chelsea | 40 | 0.4% | 1,271 | 1,232 |
Starksboro | 41 | 0.39% | 1,806 | 1,759 |
Danby | 42 | 0.39% | 1,299 | 1,284 |
Milton | 43 | 0.38% | 10,817 | 10,740 |
St. Albans | 44 | 0.38% | 7,179 | 7,015 |
Dummerston | 45 | 0.37% | 1,896 | 1,863 |
Vernon | 46 | 0.36% | 2,209 | 2,180 |
West Windsor | 47 | 0.36% | 1,383 | 1,350 |
Concord | 48 | 0.35% | 1,156 | 1,145 |
Georgia | 49 | 0.34% | 4,952 | 4,856 |
East Montpelier | 50 | 0.34% | 2,630 | 2,596 |
St. Albans | 51 | 0.33% | 6,980 | 6,867 |
Middlesex | 52 | 0.33% | 1,826 | 1,779 |
Topsham | 53 | 0.33% | 1,234 | 1,199 |
Sheldon | 54 | 0.32% | 2,184 | 2,145 |
Brookfield | 55 | 0.31% | 1,288 | 1,249 |
Huntington | 56 | 0.31% | 1,936 | 1,927 |
Berlin | 57 | 0.31% | 2,920 | 2,852 |
Townshend | 58 | 0.31% | 1,303 | 1,289 |
Williamstown | 59 | 0.3% | 3,623 | 3,521 |
Tunbridge | 60 | 0.29% | 1,381 | 1,343 |
Thetford | 61 | 0.28% | 2,856 | 2,775 |
Guilford | 62 | 0.28% | 2,141 | 2,122 |
Swanton | 63 | 0.28% | 6,891 | 6,759 |
Shrewsbury | 64 | 0.27% | 1,103 | 1,094 |
Barre | 65 | 0.27% | 8,081 | 7,923 |
Richford | 66 | 0.26% | 2,349 | 2,332 |
Wells | 67 | 0.25% | 1,219 | 1,210 |
Orwell | 68 | 0.24% | 1,252 | 1,245 |
Waterford | 69 | 0.23% | 1,301 | 1,282 |
Rutland | 70 | 0.23% | 3,944 | 3,917 |
Mount Holly | 71 | 0.21% | 1,400 | 1,391 |
Killington | 72 | 0.21% | 1,418 | 1,410 |
Hartland | 73 | 0.2% | 3,498 | 3,450 |
Brighton | 74 | 0.16% | 1,247 | 1,155 |
Vergennes | 75 | 0.16% | 2,573 | 2,555 |
Middlebury | 76 | 0.15% | 9,197 | 9,154 |
St. Johnsbury | 77 | 0.15% | 7,425 | 7,337 |
Royalton | 78 | 0.14% | 2,778 | 2,747 |
Cavendish | 79 | 0.14% | 1,408 | 1,390 |
Newbury | 80 | 0.13% | 2,378 | 2,292 |
Clarendon | 81 | 0.12% | 2,413 | 2,397 |
Calais | 82 | 0.12% | 1,677 | 1,666 |
Bradford | 83 | 0.11% | 2,841 | 2,790 |
Pittsford | 84 | 0.1% | 2,890 | 2,878 |
Hardwick | 85 | 0.1% | 2,981 | 2,913 |
Westminster | 86 | 0.1% | 3,014 | 3,002 |
Poultney | 87 | 0.09% | 1,100 | 1,095 |
Shaftsbury | 88 | 0.08% | 3,616 | 3,594 |
Bristol | 89 | 0.08% | 3,772 | 3,776 |
Bolton | 90 | 0.08% | 1,290 | 1,294 |
Northfield | 91 | 0.07% | 5,943 | 5,909 |
Newfane | 92 | 0% | 1,656 | 1,643 |
Chester | 93 | 0% | 3,008 | 2,985 |
Poultney | 94 | -0.03% | 3,015 | 3,023 |
Enosburgh | 95 | -0.04% | 2,807 | 2,804 |
Sharon | 96 | -0.06% | 1,568 | 1,562 |
Castleton | 97 | -0.07% | 4,436 | 4,446 |
Braintree | 98 | -0.08% | 1,218 | 1,205 |
Chittenden | 99 | -0.08% | 1,224 | 1,232 |
Washington | 100 | -0.1% | 1,056 | 1,030 |
Brattleboro | 101 | -0.11% | 12,084 | 12,166 |
Norwich | 102 | -0.11% | 3,635 | 3,614 |
Colchester | 103 | -0.12% | 17,546 | 17,503 |
Brandon | 104 | -0.12% | 4,096 | 4,121 |
Danville | 105 | -0.13% | 2,359 | 2,329 |
Ludlow | 106 | -0.14% | 2,177 | 2,170 |
Randolph | 107 | -0.14% | 4,835 | 4,772 |
Warren | 108 | -0.15% | 1,979 | 1,974 |
Burlington | 109 | -0.16% | 44,382 | 44,746 |
North Bennington | 110 | -0.18% | 1,699 | 1,714 |
Jericho | 111 | -0.18% | 5,071 | 5,095 |
Rockingham | 112 | -0.19% | 4,777 | 4,833 |
Marshfield | 113 | -0.19% | 1,563 | 1,581 |
Putney | 114 | -0.19% | 2,600 | 2,614 |
Woodstock | 115 | -0.2% | 3,020 | 3,007 |
Weathersfield | 116 | -0.21% | 2,841 | 2,836 |
Addison | 117 | -0.22% | 1,343 | 1,355 |
Enosburg Falls | 118 | -0.22% | 1,339 | 1,353 |
Alburgh | 119 | -0.23% | 2,147 | 2,103 |
Hartford | 120 | -0.23% | 10,693 | 10,695 |
South Hero | 121 | -0.23% | 1,709 | 1,673 |
Hinesburg | 122 | -0.24% | 4,670 | 4,694 |
Williston | 123 | -0.24% | 10,044 | 10,156 |
Wolcott | 124 | -0.24% | 1,661 | 1,669 |
Plainfield | 125 | -0.24% | 1,243 | 1,237 |
Richmond | 126 | -0.24% | 4,107 | 4,158 |
Bellows Falls | 127 | -0.25% | 2,755 | 2,789 |
Mendon | 128 | -0.26% | 1,160 | 1,158 |
Manchester | 129 | -0.27% | 4,457 | 4,477 |
Strafford | 130 | -0.27% | 1,099 | 1,095 |
Pownal | 131 | -0.28% | 3,242 | 3,258 |
Moretown | 132 | -0.29% | 1,744 | 1,748 |
Fair Haven | 133 | -0.3% | 2,699 | 2,730 |
Essex | 134 | -0.3% | 11,394 | 11,494 |
Montpelier | 135 | -0.33% | 7,938 | 8,070 |
Dorset | 136 | -0.33% | 2,125 | 2,135 |
Rutland | 137 | -0.33% | 15,526 | 15,785 |
Windsor | 138 | -0.34% | 3,526 | 3,550 |
Springfield | 139 | -0.34% | 9,007 | 9,065 |
Barre | 140 | -0.36% | 8,327 | 8,476 |
Charlotte | 141 | -0.36% | 3,859 | 3,912 |
Bethel | 142 | -0.36% | 1,922 | 1,942 |
Sunderland | 143 | -0.38% | 1,048 | 1,056 |
Proctor | 144 | -0.41% | 1,706 | 1,739 |
West Rutland | 145 | -0.41% | 2,176 | 2,211 |
Pawlet | 146 | -0.43% | 1,390 | 1,417 |
Rochester | 147 | -0.46% | 1,084 | 1,097 |
Wallingford | 148 | -0.48% | 2,091 | 2,129 |
Grand Isle | 149 | -0.52% | 2,113 | 2,078 |
Ryegate | 150 | -0.52% | 1,148 | 1,163 |
Barnet | 151 | -0.54% | 1,653 | 1,658 |
Troy | 152 | -0.59% | 1,690 | 1,727 |
Brownington | 153 | -0.59% | 1,013 | 1,043 |
Stowe | 154 | -0.59% | 5,199 | 5,228 |
Winhall | 155 | -0.6% | 1,158 | 1,184 |
Burke | 156 | -0.61% | 1,626 | 1,644 |
Craftsbury | 157 | -0.61% | 1,298 | 1,336 |
Bennington | 158 | -0.62% | 15,014 | 15,307 |
Arlington | 159 | -0.66% | 2,410 | 2,458 |
Glover | 160 | -0.74% | 1,077 | 1,113 |
Irasburg | 161 | -0.75% | 1,196 | 1,238 |
Johnson | 162 | -0.76% | 1,306 | 1,358 |
Underhill | 163 | -0.84% | 3,061 | 3,146 |
Coventry | 164 | -0.84% | 1,057 | 1,096 |
Derby | 165 | -0.85% | 4,409 | 4,569 |
Newport | 166 | -0.86% | 4,262 | 4,447 |
Barton | 167 | -1.42% | 2,699 | 2,864 |
Johnson | 168 | -1.46% | 3,302 | 3,490 |
Hyde Park | 169 | -1.47% | 2,882 | 3,014 |
Eden | 170 | -1.72% | 1,254 | 1,340 |
Cambridge | 171 | -1.73% | 3,577 | 3,815 |
Vermont's cities with over 1,000 residents show varied growth patterns from 2020 to 2025. Newport leads with 8.3% annualized growth, followed by Morristown (3.18%) and Morrisville (2.3%). The largest population centers are Burlington (44,382), South Burlington (21,543), and Colchester (17,546). Of the 171 cities over 1,000 population, 93 are growing while 78 experienced population decline. Overall, cities averaged 0.12% annualized growth, with total urban population growing by 0.95% annually.