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Countries that Celebrate Christmas 2024


  • Christmas is a global celebration that mixes the religious commemoration of Jesus Christ's birth with diverse secular customs like gift exchanges and tree decoration.

  • The observance of Christmas varies by calendar: the Gregorian calendar marks it on December 24-25, while the Julian calendar used by many Orthodox churches shifts it to January 7.

  • While widely celebrated, the recognition and manner of Christmas observance can differ significantly due to cultural, religious, or political influences across countries.

  • In addition to the countries listed, Christmas may be celebrated on a local or personal level in any country in the world, including those in which it is an unofficial and/or even illegal holiday.

230 countries

Additional Details
Christmas and Christianity are actively—and at times violently—discouraged by the current rulers of ...
Albania is an atheist state, but the secular aspects of Christmas are gaining in popularity
Algeria is less than 2% Christian, though shops may offer secular Christmas items for expats and tou...
American SamoaYes12/25
Many citizens spend Christmas with families and friends, following church services. A tradition for ...
Traditional decorations include a small log with a face drawn on one end and "the caganer," a squatt...
Traditional foods include polenta-like "pirão" or "funge," spaghetti, french fries, turkey, fried ch...
The Christmas season starts around mid-December as competitions, pageants and various Christmas trad...
Antigua and BarbudaYes12/25
Classic celebrations included "long ghosts," masked figures up to 12 feet tall that would peek insid...
Paper lanterns, called '"globos," are often released on Christmas Eve
Usually celebrated January 6th, as Aremenians are largely Orthodox. Religious focus, typically witho...
ArubaYes12/05, 12/25 and 01/07
Christmas is one of the biggest holidays in Aruba, where gifts and sweets are enjoyed on three separ...
Christmas happens in the summer, caroling is popular, and children often leave carrots for Santa's r...
Most presents come from the “Christkind” (baby Jesus), but Santa and his horned opposite Krampus may...
The Azerbaijani Santa, Shakhta Babah, comes on New Year’s Eve
Celebrations revolve around "junkanoo" parades, complete with music and elaborate, Mardi-Gras-style ...
While the country does not celebrate Christmas, many hotels and shops offer Christmas event and item...
Christmas is known as “Bara Din,” which means “the big day” in Bengali
Traditional foods include great cake (fruitcake, often frosted), jug jug (haggis-like dish with peas...
BelarusYes12/25 and 01/07
A popular holiday film is "S Legkim Parom" (translated "The Irony of Fate" or "Enjoy your Bath"), a ...
"Sinterklaas/St. Niklaas" brings gifts on Dec. 5 or 6, while Christ's birth is celebrated on Dec 25
Celebrated with boat parades and costume-heavy Christmas dances including the "charikanari," in whic...
Few people in this country can afford gifts, so the focus is upon celebrating with family
Bermuda’s blended cultures mean residents may observe one or many seasonal holidays including Hanukk...
Bhutan is less than 1% Christian but the holiday's secular aspect is growing in popularity
Christmas occurs on Dec. 25, but children leave their shoes outside on Jan. 06 and awake to find the...
Bosnia and HerzegovinaYes12/25 and 01/07
Celebrated Dec. 25 by Catholics and Jan. 07 by Orthodox Christians, holiday meals often include fish...
Christmas traditions include visiting one another's cattle grazing land and singing carols
Some say Santa Claus wears silk to stay cool in Brazil, where Christmas occurs during the summer
Public Christmas celebrations were banned in Brunei in 2015, with violators subject to fines or impr...
Traditional Christmas Eve meal includes a loaf of bread with a coin inside, which will grant good fo...
Burkina FasoYes12/25
Children in this country build clay "cribs" to symbolize the birthplace of Jesus
Christmas is largely about gathering together, celebrating, and dancing
Cambodia is 88%-95% buddhist, but secular aspects of Christmas are growing in popularity
Holiday traditions include French-inspired "Buche de Noel," a rolled cake that resembles a yule log
Different regional traditions include a taffy pull for singles and both "mummering" and "belsnickeli...
Cape VerdeYes12/25
This African island country is largely Roman Catholic and follows most Christian traditions, includi...
Cayman IslandsYes12/25
Christmas in this Caribbean tourist haven blends tradition with tropical touches, ranging from Chris...
Central African RepublicYes12/25
Poverty is an ongoing concern in this African country, but the holiday is still observed
Chad is a Muslim nation, but still celebrates Christmas as a time to be together with family
Popular holiday drink is "cola de mono" (translated "monkey’s tail"), a blend of milk, coffee, sugar...
Popularity of secular Christmas is growing, with a focus on romance and time spent with loved ones. ...
Christmas celebration begins with "Noche de las velitas" ("candle night") on Dec. 07, followed by ni...
In this Muslim nation, it is illegal to openly celebrate Christian theology and traditions
Cook IslandsYes12/25
Every Christmas and New Years one of the two villages on the island of Mauke hosts the other with a ...
Costa RicaYes12/25
Celebrations last until the Feast of the Three Kings on Jan. 06, which commemorates the wise men's a...
One old Croatian tradition is for young men to give their girlfriends a decorated apple for Christma...
Fidel Castro canceled the national Christmas holiday in 1969, but reinstated it as a "leisure day" i...
Curacao's holiday season is steeped in traditions that reflect the island’s cultural diversity. Noch...
Cypriot traditions tell of mischievous spirits called "kalikantzari" (or calicantzari) that could e...
Czech RepublicYes12/25
Christmas folk traditions including placing fish scales under dinner plates to ensure financial succ...
Traditional Christmas dessert is "risalamande," a rice pudding made with vanilla and almonds and oft...
Though the Christian population is small, the holiday is eagerly observed
Tradition says one must deep-clean one's home before Christmas Eve even if no guests are expected
Dominican RepublicYes12/25
Christmas celebrations begin in October and often include fireworks. Instead of fresh-cut trees, mos...
DR CongoYes12/25
Many churches perform marathon Christmas Eve plays that depict Biblical stories from creation until ...
Christmas Eve parades can take all day and always end with a float carrying a statue of the baby Jes...
Celebrations often include stories of the years Joseph, Mary, and Jesus spent in Egypt after escapin...
El SalvadorYes12/25
Popular Christmas traditions include fireworks, nativity scenes, and going to the beach on Christmas...
Equatorial GuineaYes12/25
In addition to the usual Roman Catholic celebrations, revelers in the Bioko region often perform a t...
Most Eritrean Christians are Orthodox. As in many countries with Orthodox churches, they go on a 40-...
Traditional Christmas foods include blood sausage, sauerkraut, tangerines and gingerbread. Santa is ...
Christmas in this developing country is focused upon worship and having special meals with family an...
In addition to Christmas, Ethiopians celebrate Timkat, a three-day event commemorating Jesus' baptis...
Falkland IslandsYes12/25
Although their location in the Southern Hemisphere means Christmas occurs in the balmy summertime, t...
Faroe IslandsYes12/25
In December, pop-up stores fill the streets of Tórshavn, one of the world’s smallest capital cities....
Celebrations often include traditional fan dances by women and spear dances by men
Finland is the home country of Santa Claus—whose Finnish name, "Joulupukki," references the fact tha...
French nativity scenes often include additional figures such as a butcher, baker, priest, or policem...
French GuianaYes12/25
Families and friends gather for dinner on Christmas Eve, and on Christmas Day people observe the bir...
French PolynesiaYes12/25
Christmas falls during the hot and rainy season in French Polylnesia. A large Christmas market is op...
Many regions of this 80% Christian nation incorporate bits of indigenous tradition into their Christ...
Celebration includes parades of "fanals," elaborate boat-shaped lanterns made of bamboo and paper
Georgian Christmas trees, or "chichilaki", are hand-carved from dried wood and burned on Jan. 19th a...
Germany is known for the thousands of enchanting Christmas markets that pop up during the holiday se...
Christmas feasts are a main focus, with people eating up to five times a day during the two-week hol...
Christmas Eve is not a public holiday, though Christmas Day is. Many businesses also close on Dec. 2...
Celebrations last from Christmas Eve to the Epiphany Jan. 06. and often include the decorating of sm...
The traditional Christmas decoration in Greenland is a star-shaped paper lantern
Popular holiday dessert is "black Christmas cake", a dense, rich cake filled with fruit that has soa...
Christmas is an important cultural event celebrated with family, friends, colleagues and neighbors. ...
Christmas is a public holiday. Christmas celebrations often involve the annual Magof Nochebuena Peac...
On Dec. 07, Guatemalans celebrate "La Quema del Diablo" (The Burning of the Devil), in which they se...
Though Christians make up only about 10% of this country's population, holiday festivals are general...
Guinea BissauNo12/25
Christmas must be celebrated with a plate of dried Scandinavian cod fish known as ‘bacalao’, the ult...
The traditional Christmas meal is pepperpot, a rich stew made with cinnamon, clove, brown sugar, ora...
Christmas includes making "fanals" (from the French word for "lantern"), which are paper lanterns ma...
As in many American and African countries, Christmas is often celebrated with fireworks and "estreno...
Hong KongYes12/25
A former British colony, Hong Kong may celebrate Christmas more enthusiastically than any other coun...
Saint Nicholas ("Mikulás" in Hungarian) visits Dec. 06 and puts goodies in children's shoes, but the...
Christmas lasts from Dec. 11 to Jan. 06 (26 days) during which thirteen "Yule Lads" visit in turn, l...
India is less than 3% Christian, but Christmas remains a national holiday and is often celebrated wi...
Many regions have their own unique holiday customs. For example, Christmas trees in Bali are often m...
Christians in Iran are usually Armenian immigrants, who celebrate on Jan. 6-7. Muslim Iranians can b...
Christmas was made a national holiday in 2018. The nonreligious aspects of the holiday are rapidly g...
Uniquely Irish Christmas traditions include swimming in the Irish Sea and reading James Joyce's shor...
Isle of ManNo
Christmas celebrations on the Isle of Man follow many British and/or Celtic traditions, but many als...
Less than 3% of Israel is Christian, but those who are have the freedom to celebrate as they choose
Italians love nativity scenes, and often add extra animals, people, or structures. Naples' nativity ...
Ivory CoastYes12/25
Christmas Eve church services start at midnight and often last up to six hours, with poems, skits, a...
Holiday traditions include the "jonkanoo" parade of costumed characters and the Grand Market, a comb...
Few Christians, but the secular aspect of the holiday is quite popular. The traditional Christmas Ev...
While only 10% of Jordan is Christian, the Muslim majority welcomes Christmas and enjoys the holiday...
Christians are a minority and follow the Orthodox church. The New Year's holiday co-opted most secul...
Families gather together from all around, often seeing one another for the only time that year
Thanks to the warm weather in this island nation, Christmas celebrations often include activities su...
While the small Christian minority is generally allowed to celebrate Christmas, conservative Muslims...
As in many other post-Soviet countries, the trees, gift-giving, and other secular aspects of Christm...
Laos is more than 98% Muslim, but the roughly 2% of the population who are Christians are free to ce...
Latvia claims the first recorded instance of a Christmas tree, having erected one in its capital cit...
As Lebanon has significant numbers of both Orthodox and non-Orthodox Christians, the government cele...
A common holiday drink in Lesotho is "joala ba sesotho," a homemade beer which takes roughly four da...
Founded by freed American slaves, Liberia shares most U.S. Christmas traditions but has added one: O...
Most Libyans are Muslim and so do not celebrate Christmas, and Christians are violently persecuted b...
Also celebrated is the Epiphany on Jan. 06, commemorating the wise men's arrival in Bethlehem
Christmas traditions include watching the film Home Alone, having 12 dishes at dinner, and eating "K...
The traditional Christmas meal is "Träipen mat Gromperenzalot,” a sort of black pudding with potatoe...
The "Las Vegas of Asia" was a Portuguese colony until 1999 and follows many European Christmas tradi...
Despite being native to Mexico, poinsettia trees are the floral emblem of Madagascar, where they are...
As in many poor South African nations, Christmas in Malawi is sparse by Western traditions and focus...
Few Christians, but the secular holiday is widely celebrated, though decorations are taken down imme...
While many resorts catering to tourists eagerly welcome the Christmas season, the country as a whole...
While Christmas has little secular presence in this majority Muslim country, the Christian minority ...
In Malta's unique holiday tradition "Priedka tat-Tifel," which translates to "the preaching of the c...
Marshall IslandsYes12/25
Holiday celebrations in this island nation involves months of planning and playful day-long song-and...
The holiday season begins on November 02 with the singing of Creole-style carols called Chanté Nwèl....
Although they do celebrate the winter solstice on Dec. 21, the people of this nearly 100% Muslim cou...
Although Christmas comes mid-summer, most of the traditional Western celebrations remain, from churc...
Christmas Day is not a public holiday. Businesses have normal opening hours in Mayotte
Christmas beings in earnest on Dec. 12, the day the nativity scene is set up, and runs through Three...
Christmas day is often spent in hours-long church celebrations. Micronesia is also a partner in Oper...
Deeply Christian but divided between two churches following different calendars, Moldovans celebrate...
One Christmas tradition calls for thirteen desserts, symbolizing Christ and the twelve apostles. The...
Influenced by the former Soviet Union, the people of this Buddhist nation do not celebrate Christmas...
Christmas traditions include spreading straw under the table and clucking like a chicken, which symb...
Monstserrat's Christmas celebration is typically blended into (and overshadowed by) the island's yea...
Secular Christmas is becoming more prominent (especially in cities), but many people in this Muslim ...
Alternately called "Family Day," but still retains most of the Christmas trappings, including church...
Christmas is technically a government holiday, but the democratic government was desposed in a 2021 ...
Namibians often enjoy German Christmas cookies or Dutch "Appelflappen" beignets as part of their hol...
The people of this majority Christian nation, one of the smallest countries in the world, often incl...
Traditional Christmas dishes in Nepal include "sel roti" (fried bread), "dal bhat tarkari" (vegetabl...
Santa Claus ("Sinterklaas") comes the night of Dec. 05 in Netherlands, but typically returns with mo...
New CaledoniaYes12/25
Christmas celebrations take place throughout December in New Caledonia with several markets, light s...
New ZealandYes12/25
Children may leave pineapple out for Santa. New Zealand's own native "Christmas tree", the Pōhutukaw...
Nicaragua's Christmas celebration begins the evening of Dec. 07, La Purísima, when the the immaculat...
Although Christmas is a national holiday, less than 1% of Niger's people are Christians, so the holi...
The day after Christmas, many churches go on a short trip, symbolizing the journey of the wise men, ...
Christmas is a time for family in the Niuean culture. Christmas Day (25 December) and Boxing Day (26...
North KoreaNo
Ruled by an authoritarian regime, this country has prohibited Christmas celebrations
North MacedoniaYes1/7
In this Orthodox nation, the Christmas holiday begins with caroling on Jan. 05, or "Kolede," and typ...
Northern Mariana IslandsNo
On the Northern Mariana Islands, Christmas is a month-long celebration beginning on December 1, when...
Norwegians often decorate their Christmas trees with heart-shaped paper baskets called "Julekurver"
While Oman is a Muslim-majority nation, Christians are welcome to to celebrate their faith, and the ...
Dec. 25 is Quaid-e-Azam Day, which celebrates the birth of Pakistan's founder. The tiny Christian mi...
The holidays in this largely Christian country focus upon appreciating the birth of Jesus and gather...
Palestinian territory includes Bethlehem, where Jesus was born. The region is only 20% Christian, bu...
In addition to Christmas feasts and celebrations, Panamanians often craft "muñeca," large paper-mach...
Papua New GuineaYes12/25
This South Pacific nation first welcomed Christianity some 200 years ago and shares many of the same...
As in many countries, nativity scenes are deeply important in Paraguay, with families often arrangin...
Peruvians preparing for Christmas often host "chocolatadas"—gatherings in which people get together ...
The most popular Christmas decoration in the Philppines is the "parol," a multicolored, star-shaped ...
Polish people often leave a spare seat at the holiday table to commemorate passed or absent loved on...
From Christmas through the start of January, the Portuguese go door to door with a picture of Jesus ...
Puerto RicoYes12/25
Caroling parties known as Parrandas (also sometimes called Asalto or Trulla) are quite popular in Pu...
While Qatar is a Muslim majority nation, hotels and shops celebrate the holiday for tourists, expats...
Republic of the CongoYes12/25
Christmas celebrations in Congo center around church services and activities, which often incorporat...
In Reunion, the end-of-year celebrations have a certain tropical sweetness. On the island, Christmas...
Romanian Christmas traditions include "dubasi," which are bands of unmarried male drummers (accompan...
Christmas was abolished from 1929 to 1992, but New Year's Day became very Christmas-adjacent, absorb...
While Rwandans are free to celebrate Christmas, the New Year's holiday is of vastly greater national...
Saint BarthelemyYes12/25
The holiday season in St. Barth's features festive Christmas decorations and lights, Caribbean beach...
Saint Kitts and NevisYes12/25
Christmas in this Caribbean country is followed by J'ouvert morning on Dec. 26, when residents don c...
Saint LuciaYes12/25
Saint Lucia's best-known holiday tradition is "bamboo bursting," in which locals ignite fuel poured ...
Saint MartinYes12/25
Locals celebrate Christmas in Saint Martin with a big festive dinner of traditional foods eaten with...
Saint Pierre and MiquelonYes12/25
Christmas Day is a public holiday in this predominantly Christian nation. However, as the population...
Saint Vincent and the GrenadinesYes12/25
The "Nine Mornings" festival in this country features 3am church services followed by street parades...
Christmas in this predominantly Catholic nation includes a 13-day carol singing event so popular it ...
San MarinoYes12/25
Christmas highlights in this tiny microcountry include an ice rink and a neighborhood-sized holiday ...
Sao Tome and PrincipeNo12/25
Christmas is one of the most eagerly celebrated days of the year in this majority Catholic country, ...
Saudi ArabiaUnofficially12/25
Christmas was previously banned in this rigidly Muslim country, but government regulations have loos...
Senegal's Muslim majority lives in harmony with the Christian minority and many Muslims share in the...
In Serbian tradition, girls went out Christmas morning to collect "strong water," which was said to ...
Christmas in this tropical island nation greatly resembles Christmas in any developed Christian coun...
Sierra LeoneYes12/25
Christmas in Sierra Leone is known for its numerous street carnivals and copious amounts of food, mu...
Less than 20% of the population is Christian, but secular aspects of Christmas are enthusiastically ...
Sint MaartenYes12/25
A popular Caribbean Chriѕtmаѕ dеѕtinаtiоn, Sint Maarten celebrates the holiday with festivities incl...
One of the most beloved Christmas movies in Slovakia is "Tri oriešky pre popolušku" ("Three Gifts fo...
A Slovenian custom holds that the women of each family would gather together and bake three loaves o...
Solomon IslandsYes12/25
Christmas in this former British Colony in Oceania is largely non-commercial, devoted instead to chu...
Christmas celebrations are banned in this country, where non-Muslim traditions are seen as an offens...
South AfricaYes12/25
South African Christmas follows most European traditions, but because it's summer in December, Chris...
South KoreaYes12/25
Christianity is the largest religion in this largely secular nation, where Christmas is viewed as no...
South SudanYes12/25
Many of this Christian nation's 67 tribes have their own holiday traditions, from fixing up the hous...
Midnight mass in Spain is known as "La Misa Del Gallo" (The Mass of the Rooster), after which people...
Sri LankaYes12/25
Christmas celebrations in this Asian country are influenced by British, Dutch, and Portuguese custom...
Christmas celebrations were declared illegal in this Muslim majority country in 2011, but the ban wa...
This South American country welcomes Santa, who has dark skin and is known as "Goedoe Pa" (Dearest D...
Sweden also celebrates St. Lucia Day on Dec. 13. The holiday commemorates a young girl, martyred in ...
Many Swiss communities have traditions in which people parade through town, often in masks or costum...
According to Syrian legend, the littlest camel in the three wise men's caravan was exhausted by the ...
Although Dec. 25 is Constitution Day and Christmas is not a national holiday, the Taiwanese are quit...
This former Soviet state has outlawed both the Christian and Secular aspects of Christmas, including...
Tribes in this Christian-majority African country tend to keep the focus simple by attending church ...
Thailand is overwhelmingly Buddhist, but its people are accepting of Christians. Santa often appears...
Timor LesteYes12/25
Many towns in this largely Catholic country in the South Pacific construct life-sized nativity scene...
Holiday traditions in Togo, which is more than 40% Christian, are heavily influenced by French custo...
Christmas in Tokelau is celebrated with a public holiday every 25 December, as it is in a majority o...
This multi-island nation enjoys the unique tradition of "tutukupakanava," also called Tongan Christm...
Trinidad and TobagoYes12/25
Revelers in this country often form roaming bands of carolers and sing "parang", a Spanish-language ...
Christmas is just another work day for most people in this Muslim country. That said, the tiny Chris...
Less than 1% of this Muslim majority country is Christian, but those that do dwell there are free to...
More than 90% Muslim, Turkmenistan does not treat Christmas as a national holiday, but the Christian...
Turks and Caicos IslandsYes12/25
Christmas in Turks and Caicos is more than just a holiday, it's an experience that combines traditio...
Christmas in Tuvalu is typically focused upon church services and spending time with family ... poss...
Christmas is called "Sekukkulu" in Uganda. Santa Claus is not part of the tradition, but foods made ...
In some parts of Ukraine, Christmas trees include an ornament shaped like a spider's web. This is a ...
United Arab EmiratesYes12/25
Christmas is not a national holiday in this Muslim-majority country, but its secular aspects are typ...
United KingdomYes12/25
The U.K. originated the idea of "Boxing Day," the day after Christmas, in which servants were given ...
United StatesYes12/25
Both the spiritual and secular aspects of Christmas are widely celebrated in the United States. Regi...
United States Virgin IslandsYes12/25
December kicks off the tourist season in the USVI, which boats temperatures in the 80Fs during the d...
While the government calls Dec. 25 the "Day of the Family," it is Christmas in all but name, complet...
declaring it
Although many people in this island nation will attend church services on Christmas Eve and Christma...
Vatican CityYes12/25
As the global headquarters of the Catholic Church, Vatican City holds Christmas in high regard. Chri...
Christmas fireworks are very popular in this South American country. In the capital, Caracas, so man...
Largely secular in nature. Those who do celebrate tend to follow French customs, such as ending the ...
Wallis and FutunaYes12/25
Christmas in Wallis and Futuna is celebrated with a public holiday every 25 December, as it is in a ...
Yemen is mired in a violent civil war, which has exacerbated an ongoing famine. The few Christians r...
Carolers in Zambia often perform for donations which are turned over to charity, and children are en...
Traditional Christmases in Zimbabwe include new shoes and clothes for the children, a trip to church...

How many countries celebrate Christmas?

There are a total of 195 countries in the world that celebrate Christmas.

How many countries do not celebrate Christmas?

There are a total of 18 countries in the world that do not celebrate Christmas.

Frequently Asked Questions
